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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Ciphore Ciphore

Viewport Los Angeles, CA

Carson Kahn carsonkahn-external
ML engineer, angel investor racing to improve 1B lives by 2030 👾 Goldman Sachs Top 100 Entrepreneur 🛰 Ex-President, Brainspace AI (acquired by Reveal) 🧠

@spindle-app San Francisco

roadlabs roadlabs
保持平和 保持简单


Biswa Panda biswapanda

San Mateo, CA, USA

Sanchit Rk sanchitrk
Building Stuff


Jack Webb-Heller jackwh

@WorkSmarterHR United Kingdom

Hitoshi Manabe mana-ysh

LegalOn Technologies, Inc. Japan

shangwen shangwen

@Tencent Shenzhen

BluejacketScott BluejacketScott

Bluejacket Software Phoenix, AZ

Taylor D. Edmiston tedmiston
Principal Software Engineer · Co-Organizer @HackCincy · Past: @mandolin-dev, @astronomer, @apache Airflow contributor · Python, DevOps, etc

@mandolin-dev Remote

Kent Shefchek kshefchek

@myhelix Frederick, MD

Everton Yoshitani evert0n
VP of Engineering at working on with an amazing team

Resola Inc Tokyo, Japan

Ziyuan (Byron) Han ByronHan333
Software Engineer with Data Science Background
Michael R Nall midmarketplace
We research and recommend the best solutions to MAXIMIZE private business value.

MidMarket Alliance Chicago-Milwaukee

Gabriel Beaudoin gbdoin

@Neo-Carbone Quebec, Quebec, Canada

Pawel Solyga solydzajs
Founder @ Tooploox

Tooploox Wrocław, Poland

Marc G Marc-g-Z

Derisk Venture Studio

Chau Thai chauthai

@mobilexag Germany

gyutaekim kimgyu
working on sth nth

tonextchapter seoul

Zafar Ansari ansarizafar
An ordinary person with an extra ordinary vision.


Lucas Barbosa llbarbosas
Solving problems with and FunJS. Software Engineer @ Brazil - Campo Grande, MS

Jean Hugues Noël Robert JeanHuguesRobert
Software veteran

Virteal Corte, Corsica, France