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James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Zijun doublepoints
Eng.D. in Neural Networks' Application, Algorithm&Robotics


Colin Fuelberth Infinite-Echo
Undergraduate Computer Engineer, Robotics Engineering Minor
Abdelrahman Abdeldaim AbdelrahmanAbdeldaim
Robotics Engineer

GIM Robotics Espoo, Finland

Gianpietro Battocletti gbattocletti
PhD student at DCSC (TU Delft). Interested in control, motion planning, and robotics.

TU Delft The Netherlands

Jingze You wyqy
I am not familiar with any language

the Milky Way

Lee ju hyun leeeju
Robotics & Drone Developer

Geobot-KIGAM 대한민국, South Korea

Jameel Ahmed Syed syedjameel
Robotics Enthusiast

Innopolis, Kazan

Lenny Ng'ang'a codewithlennylen
Robotics Researcher x Backend Developer

@roboticsdojo Nairobi, Kenya

Ivan Deylid Sid1057
I like to train Deep Neural Nets on small datasets.

@open-adas / @JSC-NIIAS Russia. Saint-Petersburg.

Ozan AKI ozanaki
Embedded Systems Hardware Designer & Software Developer All in One Overstack engineer

Trakya University Edirne Turkiye

Furkan Edizkan FurkanEdizkan
The Indomitable Human Spirit

@Ford Otosan Ankara, Turkey

Scott Hoiland shoiland
Software Engineer, Entrepreneur, avid golfer living in Austin, TX

Austin, TX

Ansh C. anshium
Undergrad Computer Science Student. Undergrad Researcher at the Robotics Research Center, IIITH.
Nitin Maurya nitin2606
Currently pursuing B.Tech from IIITDM Jabalpur. Interested in Robotics.
Denis Kosumovic KosumovicDenis
20 yo. Computer engineering at the University of Padua 🇮🇹


Aniruddha wagle k Ak-wagle
Robotics and Automation Engineering Student
Eslam Khaled Korany eslam69
T-shaped learner, building expertise with depth and breadth.


Sooraj Anilkumar soorajanilkumar
Masters - ECN France. Robotics Research Engineer @ TwinswHeel

TwinswHeel Lyon, France

Alessio Parmeggiani Alessio-Parmeggiani
BSc in Computer and System Engineering. MSc in AI&Robotics


eldaniz eldan1z
looking through robot's eyes

Poznan, Poland

Chris Schindlbeck cschindlbeck
DevOps Engineer

Lynqtech Germany



Vignesh T vigneshmgz
Personal Account. Robotics Engineer


Stoney Kang sikang99
TreamGRIT member, Multimedia & Blockchain System Design & Development, Gopher

TeamGRIT, Inc. 대한민국

Jakub Delicat delihus
@husarion ROS2 software developer.

@husarion Poland, Wrocław

庄庭达 TouchDeeper
Welcome Robots

South China University of Technology

Rafael siliciuss
B. Sc. Mech Eng | Computer Science | Digital Transformation | Innovator

Silicius Ltd