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Dennislee:) dennislee928
NCCU Student. Metal guitar player. Cybersecurity engineer. Crypto lover taipei

Ian Zhang IanBoyanZhang
Learning to design chips
Alessandro Tavano peopleslab
Neuroscientist at Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Praveen Paudel PraPaudel
Ph.D. Student @ayalab1 | Systems Neuroscience

Cornell University Ithaca, New York

Kenton Guarian kguarian
Software Dev at Voytek Lab. Working on neural time series analysis.

Software Developer San Diego, CA, USA

// TODO: Add a bio # TODO: Add a bio
Morgan Hough m9h
Computational biophysicist

Center17 San Francisco, CA

Ryan Harvey ryanharvey1
Postdoc at Cornell University

Cornell University Ithaca, NY