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Tarje Lavik tarjelavik

University of Bergen Library Bergen

Stephen stephenmcconnachie
Head of Data and Digital Preservation in the BFI National Archive

BFI National Archive

Kneel, Mulholland: Drive! mrtayto
Professor of Contemporary Art

The University of Edinburgh Scotland

Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Jasper Wong 3willows
Dominic Hung dominic0315

The University of Hong Kong Hong Kong

DigiArchivist DigiArchvist
Digital Archivist for the University of St Andrews on a learning adventure.

University of St Andrews St Andrews

Carly Richardson CarlyRich
Product Manager for Archives Hub at Jisc. This is my work account, my personal account is @carlyannrich

Jisc Manchester

Aaron Straup Cope thisisaaronland
formerly holding hands with @flickr, @stamen, @cooperhewitt and @mapzen / currently @sfomuseum and @whosonfirst / you may also know me as @straup

Who's On First San Francisco

Kristin Hodgins kristinhodgins
I make things and break things in the legal industry.


Oliver Barnwell ob6160
sr software engineer @Financial-Times • develops & maintains the @public-convenience-ltd toilet map

@financial-times London

_tanya_gray tgra
Semantic Web Developer


Dr Christian Engels christian-engels
Lecturer in Banking and Finance

University of St Andrews Business School St Andrews, UK

James Biggs jamesbiggs

@nationalarchives London, England

Phillip Rhodes mindcrime

Fogbeam Labs Chapel Hill, NC

Aoife aoifeml

Cambridge, MA

Eric Brasil ericbrasiln
Professor at the Institute of Humanities and Languages, UNILAB | Researcher - @LABHDUFBA | Managing Editor - @programminghistorian

Universidade da Integração Internacional do Lusofonia Afro-brasileira São Francisco do Conde, BA


The Infogranary Inc.

Colin Alston calston

London, United Kingdom