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Avafe ImAvafe
Game developer, FOSS fanatic ✌️
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


orangutan hmm-monke

unemployed :3 jungle

AidenJamesYt AidenJamesYt
i help around in the github community discussions area, so you'll likely see me helping out there!

@Fox-Studios-Scratch United States

AndyBros64 PizzaLuigi647
I'm Just A Rand0m User Who Plays Video Games And Whatever I Feel Like Doing.
random internet idiot

-31.326878, -162.123750

Lewin Kelly Heliodex
Svelte, TS, Luau, Go etc. The Unlicense is the greatest piece of text that humanity has ever been blessed with. 🟩 💚

@tp-link-extender Scotland

ScriptedDev Scripted-Dev
I'm ScriptedDev. Scripting languages I know: Lua, Luau, Python, Java


ItzFlibat ItzFlibat
I make stuff

@FlibatsUniverse United States of America

i fork stuff like software
Night Studio FalorkaStudio
Night Studio

Night Studio Night Studio Roblox

mizook dev-mzk
hi im mizook :DD you average lifeless dev!! i love hugss!!

@xyrdron your heart <3

Isabella Tsaniia Setsuwaa
Learning various things. I use Github to archive projects, and sometimes other stuff.
Zyztem Zyztem
Currently working on @AloraMC

@AloraMC United States

maxxus MaxxusX
not on github very often reach me on my twitter
PanManGamesYT London, England