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Mengyuan Wu SeptemberMy
PhD Student in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry at University of Science and Technology Beijing

University of Science and Technology Beijing Beijing

James Misaka QuantumMisaka
Intelligent catalysis coder in TMC-PKU


Gang Tang obaica
Associate Professor at Beijing Institute of Technology (

Beijing Institute of Technology Beijing, China

Thibaut thibautflottat
Computational physicist, mostly working with molecular simulation.


profe TheMolecularDynamicsProfessor
Professor of Material Physics & Molecular Simulations at the university level.
Elvis Soares elvissoares
Physicist, PostDoc Researcher at ATOMS/UFRJ interested in Colloidal Systems, Electrolyte Solutions and Theory of Liquids.

@atoms-ufrj Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Bruno Di Geronimo BruDiGe
🔬 Molecular Modeler | Computational Chemist | Enzyme Designer 🌐 Exploring molecular dynamics, computer-aided drug design, and the mysteries of allosterism.
Penghua Ying hityingph
Ph.D. in Mechanics, interested in atomic simulations on physical behavior of solid matter.


Hossam Farag mfhossam1992

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Lucas J. dos Santos lucas-j-santos
PhD student in chemical and biochemical process engineering at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Moritz R Schäfer M-R-Schaefer
Doctoral student in theoretical chemistry.

University of Stuttgart Germany

Marzouk mohamedmarzouk22
@ Osaka university

Osaka, Japan

José Arthur Josearthur266
I'm graduating in Physics. I work with Molecular Dynamics using LAMMPS and VMD, studying nanotechnology and simulation nanostructure.

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Parnamirim, RN.

Simon Gravelle simongravelle
MSCA fellow & CNRS researcher in LiPhy, Grenoble, France

LIPhy Grenoble