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Neos21 Neos21
どうも Neo です。

Neo's World

Nick Enriquez Scholl trrill
Frontend-focused full stack developer. I love collaborating with the self-transforming machine elves in this and every realm.


Muspi Merol CNSeniorious000
Fullstack dev. Undergraduate at Beijing Normal University (at Zhuhai). Creator of @promplate. I enjoy meta programming.

Formerly with @2billionbeats and @Sider-ai. Currently seeking new opportunities. China

Martins Muiznieks m-muiznieks
Full-stack digital marketer with skills in Meta, Google ads, Ga4, and Google tag manager platforms.
Beto Garcia Beethoven
Designer and FrontEnd Developer Passionate about people, design and technology.

Belo Horizonte

Erhan ÜRGÜN erhanurgun
PHP | Laravel | NodeJS | AdonisJS | Back-End Developer

@orizora TURKEY

Al-Hitawi Mohammed Mohammed20201991
Master Student at EΓΆtvΓΆs LorΓ‘nd University


Sakib Hasan shakibhasan09
Hi, I'm Sakib. I'm a computer programmer. Currently, I'm learning Data Science. I mostly work with web and app development

Gazipur 1700, Bangladesh

Giau. Tran Minh giautm
GPG fingerprint: A7DCΒ 1628Β FFE2Β F173Β 2B10Β Β 7770Β 228AΒ 57B6Β 798CΒ 081E

@ariga Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

When your power is not enough for you, you will be alone with your weaknesses.
Md Rashedul Islam rashedulislam
Software Developer @Webkonsulenterne

Webkonsulenterne Natore, Bangladesh

Julio Marquez juliomrqz
πŸ’» Software Engineer β˜•οΈ Coffee lover

@Bicycle-Health @aceforth @toptal Spain

Boris Boripheus

ZEROX Serbia

Mountain/\Ash mountainash

@ginetta Switzerland

Rodrick Dusio Rodrick136

Studio136 Redding, CA

Marko Kaznovac kaznovac
Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication.

@byteout Belgrade, Serbia

Dave Miller davepmiller
Maintaining a calloused noggin, with a smile! πŸ˜ƒ

Boise, ID

Ahmet Uysal ahmetuysal
Koç University CS'20, co-founder @pieducation & @unicourseco, interested in web technologies and education

@pieducation Istanbul, Turkey

PAUL NORG pauljnorg
Outside of his professional life, I have diverse interests, including foreign languages, and programming. I have a BS in IT specializing in software development

Norg Enterprises LLC Portage, MI

ReynardYann reynardyann
An ambition freshman.
Eric Valois ericvalois
I'm a well-rounded Full-Stack web developer


Mehmet MallΔ± mehmetmalli
πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Per Aspera ad Astra.

SWE @ Bliq GmbH Izmir, Turkey

Jose Pedro Hurtado Vega Joseph0207
Identity Manahement and Services of My Cloud Storage Account Iam

Github, Inc. La Esperanza Colon, Qro

liam 0xliam
βŒˆπš‘πš’πšπš‘ πšπšŽπšŒπš‘ πš•πš˜πš  πš•πš’πšπšŽβŒ‹ ✧ο½₯゚☽˚q✧q
Alex N. Jose alexnj

@google Bay Area, California

Nitesh S niteshsharoff
Analytics Junkie @ Growth Runner

Growth Runner London

David Papp pigri
Adham Nasr AdhamNasr
DevOps Enthusiast | IT consultant | Front End Developer | System Architect


Jacob Ford unitof
Tight-end developer.

// no comment LLC UWS of LES

Sk Imtiaz Ahmed imtiaz101325
Front-end Engineer | Video Streaming | Web Analytics

@XiteTV Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Joey Burzynski JoeyBurzynski
SEO expert, full-stack developer, technophile. Founder & CTO of @MarketKarma in Miami Beach, Florida.

MarketKarma Miami Beach, Florida

Jan Johannes lucidNTR


David Dennison davidldennison
🎯SEO Mastermind | Content Marketing Wiz | Noob DeveloperπŸš€Combining SEO expertise, dev tools, and innovation to thrive at the crossroads of marketing and tech!

David Dennison SEO Las Vegas, NV