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Aum Sathwara aumsathwara
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Soham Sonar sohamvsonar
Mainly building Python projects, interested in GenAI and ML applications.

Chicago, USA

hocine_mahni hocinemahni
PhD Student

ENSTA | Institut Polytechnique de Paris | Lab-STICC Brest France

Jaime Cernuda JaimeCernuda
PhD student at the Scalable Computing Software Lab @ IIT

IIT Chicago

Rayyan Maindargi rayan1242
Laungages i coded in { C++,Java,Javascript,Python}


might shenghansen

sun yat-sen university

Anthony Kougkas akougkas
i am an assistant research professor in computer science at Illinois tech, where i serve as the deputy director of the gnosis research center.

@grc-iit Chicago

Sao-Hsuan, Lin dasbd72

National Tsing Hua University

Izzet Yildirim izzet
Computer human

@grc-iit Chicago, Illinois

Jie Ye Jye-525

Illinois Institute of Technology

Meng Tang (Candice) candiceT233

IIT Chicago

KARTHIK KAIPLODY karthikkaiplody
Machine Learning Engineer | MS in Data science @ Illinois Tech | Ex Acuity Knowledge Partners | Ex Mindtree Mind

Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago, Illinois

Ishrat Jahan Ananya coreprinciple6
Deep Learning Engineer

Kim Lv qmlyu


Pradyumna Singh Rathore pradhyumna85
πŸ‘‹ I am a Petroleum Engineer currently working as Data Scientist (R&D) πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» at Computation Sciences and Engineering for Energy (CSEE), Landmark, Halliburton. Bengaluru