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Srikkant Srinivasan srikkant
Eh, nothing here yet.

Google Bengaluru, India

C/C++, Java, C# developer, Reverse engineer
Alex eyeeeeer

@EYERCORD (My Project) Germany, Rietberg

Josh Groves Xp3rtMag1c1an

Rite Note Phoenix, AZ

Ian Carter Kulani Iankulani

Accurate Cyber Defense Mzimba

Sarvarbek kdrv-devv
Frontend developer : Student at Najot ta'lim

Najot ta'lim Uzbekistan, Fergana

Julius Pleunes juliuspleunes4
Computer Science student at the University of Applied Sciences in Utrecht. Favorite language is Python and I also love working in React Native

R&D Engineer at BCS Cranecamera Netherlands

Ilya Motamedi ilyamotamedi
Solutions consultant @googlers


Haoyu Zhang haoyuz
Systems for machine learning.

@google Mountain View, CA

Theo Tonneau TheoTonneau
Looking for a 12-week DevOps internship outside France starting February 24




Lázaro Manuel Cunga manuelcunga
Software engineer and community leader. Passionate about sharing knowledge and Open source contributor.

Home Office Angola/Luanda

kshitij kshitij1439
Diving into DevOps, MERN, and AI development.


Rohan Bierneni Rohan-Bierneni
I am a junior studying at CSU East Bay for Computer Science and an AWS Certified Solutions Architect as well as AWS Cloud Practitioner

San Ramon, CA

Jason Guest RiseDefenseSystems


Rishit Rish-it
Tech Enthusiast 🍎
Nikhil Kulkarni nikhilkul
GitHub Machine Learning Intern - 2017 | Math and coding | New interest: Natural Language Processing.

Johns Hopkins University San Francisco

Eugene Petkevich nasedil
I like programming music, mathematical graphics, visualization, optimization, lifelogging, archiving, games and improving everyday life

@Google Kraków

Ssempijja Charles sempijja
Human Interface designer

Shopy Kampala

Alexander Dietmüller NotSpecial
Software Engineer at Google, working on the XLA compiler. Received my PhD in ETH Zurich's Networked Systems Group.

Google London Ltd. London, UK

Jordan Totten tottenjordan
ML @ Google | MS Data Science @ Northwestern University
