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Robert Martin bertday

@workspublic Chicago

Kyle F Butts kylebutts
Assistant Professor of Economics University of Arkansas
Zehui Yin zehuiyin
Geography PhD Student at McMaster University | Interest in Spatial Analysis, Econometrics, and Transportation

McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario

Xavier Nogueira xaviernogueira
Geospatial data scientist / engineer.

@panoai Washington D.C

Tim O'Guin timoguin
Who the hell is interrupting my Kung Fu?


Ning Sun sunng87
Building time-series data platform at @GreptimeTeam. Open source enthusiast. Favourite languages: Clojure, Rust.

@greptimeteam Beijing / Sunnyvale, CA

Jason Baker jtbaker
Spatial Data Scientist and Developer. Working with @postgis, @pydata, @nodejs and @mapbox most days.

@freightwaves Austin, TX

yuanhong naonaoyh Guangzhou, China

Cryto 0xp3p3x0
Only Good Job!
Huang SyuanBo godspeedhuang

National Cheng Kung University Kaohsiung, Taiwan

練氣士 hongfaqiu
TypeScript / React, Rust

Search for job Hangzhou

Majid Hojati am2222
GIScience | Geomatics | GeoAI | PhD

@ready Canada

Vikram vikramsg
Software Engineer | Big Data

Cervest Hamburg, Germany

Prayag pt20


jist george0st
The architect with an overlap into development and analysis. "Almost everything is possible, it's just a matter of time⌚, resources💰 and quality⭐"

Europe, Czech Republic, Prague

Ernest Guevarra ernestguevarra
Public Health Specialist, Spatial Epidemiologist, R Developer

@katilingban Oxford

beyoung beyoung
inner peace

city of panda 中国 - china

Santiago Mota santiagomota
Freelance Data Scientist | Big Data Professor at UCM and UNED | Kaggle Master

Freelance Madrid (Spain)

marii¨ mnyrop

@NYULibraries Queens, NY

Moritz Mähr maehr
#DH #STS #NLP #SNA #graphs #DigitalHistory #HistoryOfComputing 👷 associate researcher @DHBern and digital lead @Stadt-Geschichte-Basel

@DHBern & @Stadt-Geschichte-Basel Bern & Basel

Francesco Pasa frapa
I enjoy rewriting software to understand how it's made.

Swiss Re Zürich, Switzerland

Thibault LAURIANO Looxor
UX Designer / Business Developer


Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X

Brett Saunders brettsaunders21
Computer Science 1st Class with Hons Graduate from University of Birmingham In full time employment in the FinTech Industry

United Kingdom

Ibrahim Mohammed mapsgeek
GIS Fullstack developer & Cartographer




Arjun Sunil Kumar arjunsk
"It always seems impossible until it's done." - Nelson Mandela

@aws Sunnyvale, CA

ringsaturn ringsaturn

@caiyunapp Beijing

Chenhui Zhang danielz02
MIT IDSS 28' | UIUC CS 23'

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA

wandergis wandergis

Alibaba Hangzhou,China

Brendan McAndrew bmcandr
Geospatial Software Engineer @impactobservatory / Previously @NASA-LIS

@impactobservatory Washington, D.C.

Jonatan Aponte Jap8nted

BASF Digital Farming Cologne

Daniel J. Dufour DanielJDufour
builds,, georaster, georaster-layer-for-leaflet, date-extractor, geotiff-stats, and xml-utils; built, and maintains proj4js/mgrs

@GeoSurge Chattanooga, TN

Kyle Barron kylebarron
Creating the next generation of geospatial data tools for Python & the browser with @geoarrow, GeoParquet & @georust

@developmentseed New York, New York

Tao Jianhang aliothor
WebGIS Engineer | Typescript Enthusiast


张林伟 lewiszlw
Database engineer | Hobbyist game dev | Apache DataFusion committer | Creator of @NightsWatchGames and @systemxlabs

@apache Wuhan