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Wiktös WiktosSTe
Hi, I'm a free programmer. My passion is the code. The code is art.


Daniel pereiradaniel
Rust, C, C++, Java, JavaScript, Ruby, SQL.


Thomas Sherk DYT-Flyer
I'm a current PhD candidate in Computer Science. If you find my projects or comments helpful, please consider buying me coffee (see link below) 👇

Dayton, Ohio

Kiroo (Chanung) zlfn
I don't know what i'm doing


kim juhyeon tmxhsk99
Java & Backend Developer
Manuel González mgmerino
Backend engineer by trade, computer science enthusiast, maths aficionado.
wangyao yaolaiyaoqu

China Guangdong Shenzhen

Connor McLeod weakbox

Halifax, Nova Scotia

Dr. Raphaël BOICHOT Raphael-Boichot
Has been researcher. Problem solver.
Doomer doomer6699
I'm Doomer6699 Also known in some parts of the internet as Doomguykiller69!

Los Deaths Banda! Earth PA211 (Temporal)

Fabio Spinelli spinellifabio

Purelab S.r.l. Verdello (BG), Italy

Alexander Schwarz Marentis
C, C++ and C# developer. I sometimes also use Rust and Java.


Dylan Frankland dfrankland
Pokémon Master

Trunk San Francisco, CA

Jakub dazaizer0
c/c++ programmer


Michael StudioGuma
CS undergrad

New Jersey

Jakepys JuanPerdomo00
Student Pythonista and programmer, lover of mathematics. Linux Lover 🐍

0x7d3 /usr/bin/

Marcos Antônio 1MarcosDev
Olá, meu nome é Marcos Antônio! Técnico em Redes de Computadores e cursando Engenharia de Software. Apaixonado por games, aspirante a músico e do rock 🤟


Jevin Sweval jevinskie
Senior Security Researcher, compilers/optimizations/[de]obfuscation, SCA, program analysis, NFC ninja, HW hacker w/ FPGA hammer Previously Apple Pay Security

Lafayette, Indiana

Hobbyist C developer | Homebrew, game dev and retro enjoyer | Math nerd

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Aaron Fraga aronfraga
.NET Azure Developer

Universidad De Palermo Buenos Aires, Argentina

Peder Johnsen pederjohnsen
Software developer and a hobby musician hailing from Norway.

@tunoltd UK

Caleb Rose CalebRose
My Github contributions say otherwise, but I code
Salvatore Tosti SalvatoreTosti
Clojure λ x Python 🐍
Diogo Muller DioMuller
Game and Software Developer. I love working with anything new and exciting! Mobile and Game development are my strong point, but I'm open to new technologies.

Curitiba, Brazil

Ramon Fischer keks24
Main account:

Cologne, Germany

George gpc91
I like to code.

Steel City Interactive Doncaster, United Kingdom