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Mercedes mercechinchilla
GIS Expert

Costa Rica

Salesforce Admin


Emily Weidner ecweidner
Wildlife Biologist

US Fish and Wildlife Service Bend, Oregon

Joe Larson oeon

San Luis Obispo, CA

S. Alim Reza stephen256
A multifaceted author whose work explores the realms of weird, speculative fiction—blending cosmic horror, occult mystery, and sci-fi


Coleman McCormick colemanm

Liminal Lab Palm Harbor, FL

Kat Kim katkim0307

Fulcrum Long Island City, NY

Vincent Lauffer vlauffer
Jim made me add my name
Caleb Frost Sanderson cfsanderson-fulcrum
Director, Product Design at Richmond, VA

Stefano Pompei aragornii
🌎, engineer 📏, passionate about technology 💻, coding 🔢 & space 🚀. From 🇮🇹, with 🇨🇴 & Latin America in the ❤️.

@Build-Change Valencia, Spain