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Xinyang HUANG Huangxy-Minel
PhD student from iSing Lab, CSE, HKUST. Currently focus on Host Networking System, SmartNICs, and Machine Learning System.

UESTC & HKUST Tianjin, China

Tran Dinh Vinh vinhdevED
Keep Going and Dont Stop ⚡ In relationship with NTKA :3333333333

Da Nang University of Technology Da Nang, Viet Nam

Lokesh Aravapalli avnlk
IIIT Bangalore 3rd year ECE student.

IIIT Bangalore Bengaluru

Shi Jin JuniorSNy
CS student from ZJU, obtained the solid passion for Architecture

Shanghai, China

Junyi Junyi-99

National University of Singapore Singapore

Jalal Mostafa jalalmostafa
Systems Research Ph.D. Candidate at KIT | Software Engineer

IPE-KIT Germany & Lebanon

cszjyang yzj2001
Move Fast and Break Things

HUST Wuhan, China

liuqi liuqi-1
Studying at the Computer School of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. A little boy who loves programming but is not skilled.

北京邮电大学 北京昌平

Yuriy Gritsenko yuravg
FPGA Design Engineer

RF, Saint-Petersburg

Amirreza Jodeiry AmirJodeiry2000
PHD candidate in Electrical Engineering at Sharif University Of Technology Of IRAN
EE Student / want to code for fun

Want to Live in@Jeju Island

Riya Bisht b1shtream
21, interested in Computer Architecture & exploring low-level systems


Stelios Tzelepis steltze


Puya pooyaww
A probably conscious creature!

German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence Beside you

Igor isaprykin

San Francisco, CA

Davide Conficconi DavideConficconi
Domain-Specific and Reconfigurable Systems, from microarchitecture to software abstractions. Assistant Prof. at Politecnico di Milano @necst

Politecnico di Milano Politecnico di Milano