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Nima Poshtiban NimaPoshtiban
Computer Engineering student

Da Li (李达) dlee992

Microsoft United States

Vinícius Dutra viniciusdutra314
Currently studying Computational Physics at USP São Carlos. Creator of the youtube channel "Singularidade".

USP São Carlos Brasil

Jean-Christophe loiseaujc

DynFluid -- Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers Paris

Sakib Hossen sakibhossen0
Math undergrad passionate about programming, algorithm and AI. Love exploring the intersection of math & code through problem solving and development.

Mathematics Student • National University Pabna, Bangladesh

USAMI, Mamoru matelier

ASMS Co., Ltd. Tokyo

Kirtan Patel kirtan2605
Space engineering student proficient in developing, optimising, and integrating complex systems

DIFFER Eindhoven, Netherlands

Manoj Baishya manojbaishya
Building code stuff!


عاصم بن حارث algerbo
أهلا بكم جميعاً

البيت جمهورية بيلاروس , مينسك

Demian Grams abcdemian
The earth is round (p < .05).

Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

Axel Coulet axcou
Currently studying data science at Sorbonne Université

Université Sorbonne Paris Nord Paris

半岛的蒟蒻bddjr bddjr
Imagine, Create, Share. 想象,创造,分享。

Guangdong, China

Ibrahim Musa ibrahim4444-i
"Wait and see"

SURPRISE (Imaginary) Bauchi, Nigeria

Sebastian G. Mutz sebastian-mutz
Climate/Earth scientist (assoc. professor) with passion for statistics, modelling, AI, games, music, open culture & coding (Fortran & Python).


Pedro Moreira pg1992
Python, C, and Linux developer and systems programmer.

Eldorado Research Institute Anywhere

Philip Mocz pmocz
Computational Physicist and Software Engineer

Flatiron Institute New York, NY

Zhao Tang tangzhao20

The University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX

Ismael Torres García ismatorresgarcia
I am a PhD student developing a numerical framework for modelling laser filamentation in air, with applications for studying pollutants in the upper atmosphere.


Matheus Araújo matheus-araujo
Quantum Computing | Quantum Information | Quantum Software Developer


さとしん satoshin-des
Affiliation: Second Year of Graduate School of Science in Rikkyo University. Major: mathematics, lattice theory. C++/ C#/ SageMath/ Python

立教大学大学院理学研究科 倭国

Ian Martin Ajzenszmidt iajzenszmi
Ian Martin Ajzenszmidt BA(Hons)(Melb)(1978) GradDipDataProc(Monash University-Caulfield Institute Of Technology)1981 MACS(Snr)

Retired 619 St Kilda Road Melbourne 3004 Victoria Australia

Alan Ryan 0nF1REy
Systems Development Technician 🧑‍💻 🛠️

Itapeva, SP, Brazil.

Hideaki Takahashi htkhsh

Università degli Studi di Torino Torino, Italia

Mohammed Imaduddin mdimado
One project at a time? Never.

@cbitosc Hyderabad, India

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Amartya Yadav amartyadav
hpc engineering @ uni of edinburgh indie app dev

Edinburgh, UK

სანდრო unixs
Cogito, ergo sum

@EPAM Georgia

YUCHEN DAI yuchendai0916
I am a post-graduate student at Beihang University interested in data science and python
Javier Norambuena javinoram
Just a guy that like coding, glaciers and molecules

Chilean Antarctic Institute Chile

Jatniel Guzmán jatniel
Software Developer ✅ 🚀 🤖 🏄 Landes / Euskadi

2Crypto.IO France

Pavan Uttarkar pavanuttarkar
Engineer masquerading as an astrophysicist!


Jherfson Castro jherfson
Graduating in Physics and research in the area of materials structure and now also researches in statistical mechanics.