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Martin Wimmers sirmrmarty
Neuroscience Master Student at Donders Institute Front and Back-End Dev @NewHangar

NewHangar Nijmegen

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


miri neuroglia
Studies: Psychological Science (M.Sc.); Interests: (Infant) Neuroscience, Statistics, EEG; Languages: R & MATLAB (planning to switch to Python soon)


AtanFray atanllama
I like dessert and wish to see Kyoto Tachibana🍊
Martin E. Johansson mejoh
Researches the neural mechanisms underlying clinical progression of Parkinson's disease, focusing particularly on the role of cortical compensatory mechanisms

Nijmegen, the Netherlands

Rong Shu RRRRiya
Beijing Language and culture university Liguistic and applied linguistic

Beijing Beijing Language and Culture University

keita kawamoto keitakawamoto
Web Designer.

@pepabo Japan

Arthur G. aerthurg
I develop software and do a PhD in Computational Neuroscience.

University of Campinas São Paulo, Brazil

Lynn Lau LynnLau233
student at UM


xiwang xixi1221

@Translational Neurotechnology Lab Freiburg, Germany

Dawood M.Shoaib dawoodkhatri1
Full Stack Developer | Laravel Developer | Web Developer | Backend Developer | Machine Learning | Artificial Intelligence |

Karachi, Pakistan

MA Jian majianthu
PhD, Tsinghua University


Xin Niu NxNiki

UCLA Los Angeles

Michael ChiShengChen
🚀 Co-founder & Chief Research Scientist @ising Research 🎓 AI Researcher (Harvard) | Medical AI | DeFi | AI Agents | Quant Finance | Quantum ML
Zhaowei lzwpanda

Peking University Beijing, China

YNSRC ynsrc
Electrical-Electronics Engineer
Daniele Lozzi danielelozzi
Graduate in Neuro/Cognitive Psychology - PhD student Information and Communication Technology @UnivAQ

University of L'Aquila L'Aquila

Shihan Ma shihan-ma
MLE at Meta


PSRAJU psalmanraju


Xin Hao SheenHao8023
Psychology B.S. & First year of Neuroscience PhD student at CIBR.

Chinese Institute for Brain Research, Beijing Beijing, China

St. Veit volschin
Märthyrer und Patron der Sommersonnenwende

Berlin, Germany

Yichi Chen Cityc0925
East China Normal University/major in psychology

East China Normal University Shanghai, China

Mohammad Y. M. Naser Mnaser95
A Ph.D. student with multidisciplinary engineering education.

Kennesaw State University Atlanta, GA

Arinjoy Pramanik EchoCoder1729
BE CSE @ Jadavpur University

Jadavpur University India

Ashrith Sagar AshrithSagar

Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Simon Leung INFINITE-LIGHT-168
doctoral candidate in SIMIT CAS, interested in the complex science


Rui Liu ruiliu-psy

Ghent University

Mark Henney henneysq
PhD fellow in Computational Neuroscience at OptoCeutics and the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science at the Technical University of Denmark

OptoCeutics Denmark

Manuel Mejía mmejia23
Psychologist, Neuropsychologist, working at CETYS University, MX.

CETYS University Tijuana, BC, MX