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Sinchana S K Sinchana9632
Software engineer | Student @ Govt.Engineering college Hassan |

student @Govt.Engineering college Hassan Hassan, karnataka , India

Satish Ishwar Naik Satishmirjan
Hello! My name is Satish, and I'm a second-year computer science student passionate about coding and creating innovative solutions. I
Anni Annishivakumara
CSE Student | c | java |

Presidency University Bangalore Banglore

Chinmay L stom-breaker-07
5th | Computer Science And Engg | Full Stack and DevOps Enthusiasts

KIT - CSE Tiptur - Karnataka

Vasudev D M Vasudevshetty
</> Learn to say no!


RAKSHA B R rakshaagowda
student at JSSSTU Mysuru Contributer at GSSOC-24

JSS STU Mysuru

Chandana H K Chandanahk6804
Excited to dive deep and contribute to the tech world
Lekhana Dinesh lekhanadinesh
๐Ÿ‘‹ Hi! Iโ€™m Lekhana Dinesh, a BE student passionate about technology and coding.Eager to learn new skills โœจ


Ashok Ashok-A15
๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ป I'm a CS undergrad, passionate about building software and learning on a daily basis!

Student at JSSTU of Mysore mysore

I am an engineering student at JSS Science And Technological University
Aman Uchitkar amanuchitkar
๐Ÿš€ Aspiring passionate about Web Development. Currently learning Backend with Python and Django. Proficient in GCF. Let's connect.
Prajwal Bayari prajwalbayari

Student at JSSSTU, Mysore Mysuru Karnataka

Sameer Dixit sameer-dixit
Software Engineer at Simplotel | JP Morgan & Chase Co. Code for Good Runner Up | Open to Innovative Ideas | Let's Connect and Collaborate!

The spark Foundation bangalore,Karnataka

Poorvika poorvikaa08

Student at JSSSTU, Mysuru Mysuru, Karnataka, India

Vaibhav M N Vaibhav2154
Aspiring Computer Science Engineer | JSS Science and Technology


Shivam Menda ShivamMenda
DevOps Engineer at Deloitte India | Python | Flutter | AWS | Aspiring Ethical Hacker

Deloitte Bangalore

Sayed Afnan Khazi Sayed-Afnan-Khazi
I am a CS Major who likes coding :)
Sm cupoglee
Jack of all trades and master of none :) Explorer exploring the wonderful world of tech!
Hetarth Jain HetarthJain
Student at JSS Science and Technology University. Interested in ML applications and Web Development.

Mysore, Karnataka, India

Prithwi Hegde Prithwi32

Student at JSSSTU, Mysuru. Mysuru Karnataka

Student-Computer Science Engineering at Reva University | MERN Stack Developer | Passionate C++ Developer | Linux Enthusiatst

Bengaluru , Karnataka

Pratik K pratikiran
I do dumb business. @Pavan-B-N, @VMsubhash and @NitheeshwarBR is best at what he does.

Rajajinagar, Banglore, Karnataka, India

JAHNAVI B S Jahnavibs03
๐Ÿ‘‹ Hi, I'm Jahnavi B S! ๐ŸŽ“ Currently a VI Semester student at Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering.


Divesh Kumar Chordia Divesh-Kumar-Chordia
Final Year CSE | Web Developer | React | Vue | ExpressJs | Nodejs | many more
