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    • Helm charts project supporting the configuration management (repeatable application installation) of CYBNITY systems and their provisioning management (K8S resources: networking, load balancing, db, users, permissions...) as Infrastructure-As-Code (IaC) automating installation on multiples Kubernetes clusters (orchestration managed environments).
      Apache License 2.0
      1000Updated Feb 28, 2025Feb 28, 2025
    • Open source cyber-serenity platform that help the security teams designing and managing companies' ISMS, and which allow them to create resilient digital systems with efficient responses against to cyber-threats.
      Apache License 2.0
      2151190Updated Feb 28, 2025Feb 28, 2025
    • Catalog of technologies selected by CYBNITY as referential frameworks and technologies versions authorized for CYBNITY systems development
      Apache License 2.0
      0400Updated Dec 31, 2024Dec 31, 2024
    • All the features and services realized by the Risk Management bounded context relative to the application domain, including specification library (e.g api), components implementation (e.g software implementation packages) and deployable systems (e.g operable component on infrastructure types).
      Apache License 2.0
      0100Updated Dec 26, 2024Dec 26, 2024
    • All the features and services realized by the Access Control bounded context relative to the application domain, including specification library (e.g api), components implementation (e.g software implementation packages) and deployable systems (e.g operable component on infrastructure types).
      Apache License 2.0
      0300Updated Dec 26, 2024Dec 26, 2024
    • All the features and services realized by the API Management bounded context relative to the application domain, including specification library (e.g api), components implementation (e.g software implementation packages) and deployable systems (e.g operable component on infrastructure types).
      Apache License 2.0
      0100Updated Feb 16, 2023Feb 16, 2023
    • All the features and services realized by the Vulnerability bounded context relative to the application domain, including specification library (e.g api), components implementation (e.g software implementation packages) and deployable systems (e.g operable component on infrastructure types).
      Apache License 2.0
      0000Updated Jan 31, 2023Jan 31, 2023
    • All the features and services realized by the security exercises bounded context relative to the application domain, including specification library (e.g api), components implementation (e.g software implementation packages) and deployable systems (e.g operable component on infrastructure types).
      Apache License 2.0
      0000Updated Jan 31, 2023Jan 31, 2023
    • All the features and services realized by the Threat Intelligence bounded context relative to the application domain, including specification library (e.g api), components implementation (e.g software implementation packages) and deployable systems (e.g operable component on infrastructure types).
      Apache License 2.0
      0000Updated Jan 31, 2023Jan 31, 2023
    • All the features and services realized by the Security Event Management bounded context relative to the application domain, including specification library (e.g api), components implementation (e.g software implementation packages) and deployable systems (e.g operable component on infrastructure types).
      Apache License 2.0
      0000Updated Jan 31, 2023Jan 31, 2023
    • All the features and services realized by the Response bounded context relative to the application domain, including specification library (e.g api), components implementation (e.g software implementation packages) and deployable systems (e.g operable component on infrastructure types).
      Apache License 2.0
      0000Updated Jan 31, 2023Jan 31, 2023
    • All the features and services realized by the Quality bounded context relative to the application domain, including specification library (e.g api), components implementation (e.g software implementation packages) and deployable systems (e.g operable component on infrastructure types).
      Apache License 2.0
      0000Updated Jan 31, 2023Jan 31, 2023
    • All the features and services realized by the Posture & Prevention bounded context relative to the application domain, including specification library (e.g api), components implementation (e.g software implementation packages) and deployable systems (e.g operable component on infrastructure types).
      Apache License 2.0
      0000Updated Jan 31, 2023Jan 31, 2023
    • All the features and services realized by the cybersecurity Governance bounded context relative to the application domain, including specification library (e.g api), components implementation (e.g software implementation packages) and deployable systems (e.g operable component on infrastructure types).
      Apache License 2.0
      0000Updated Jan 31, 2023Jan 31, 2023
    • All the features and services realized by the security Detection Intelligence bounded context relative to the application domain, including specification library (e.g api), components implementation (e.g software implementation packages) and deployable systems (e.g operable component on infrastructure types).
      Apache License 2.0
      0000Updated Jan 31, 2023Jan 31, 2023
    • All the features and services realized by the Compliance and Certification bounded context relative to the application domain, including specification library (e.g api), components implementation (e.g software implementation packages) and deployable systems (e.g operable component on infrastructure types).
      Apache License 2.0
      0000Updated Jan 31, 2023Jan 31, 2023
    • All the features and services realized by the Behavior Intelligence bounded context relative to the application domain, including specification library (e.g api), components implementation (e.g software implementation packages) and deployable systems (e.g operable component on infrastructure types).
      Apache License 2.0
      0000Updated Jan 31, 2023Jan 31, 2023
    • All the features and services realized by the Awareness & Culture bounded context relative to the application domain, including specification library (e.g api), components implementation (e.g software implementation packages) and deployable systems (e.g operable component on infrastructure types).
      Apache License 2.0
      0000Updated Jan 31, 2023Jan 31, 2023
    • All the features and services realized by the security Audit bounded context relative to the application domain, including specification library (e.g api), components implementation (e.g software implementation packages) and deployable systems (e.g operable component on infrastructure types).
      Apache License 2.0
      0000Updated Jan 31, 2023Jan 31, 2023
    • All the features and services realized by the Asset Control bounded context relative to the application domain, including specification library (e.g api), components implementation (e.g software implementation packages) and deployable systems (e.g operable component on infrastructure types).
      Apache License 2.0
      0000Updated Jan 31, 2023Jan 31, 2023
    • .github

      Presentation of the CYBNITY organization profile
      Apache License 2.0
      0000Updated Oct 31, 2022Oct 31, 2022
    • mpp-demonstrators

      Public template
      Dedicated to the build and delivery of demonstration models (e.g technology POC, UI demonstrator) allowing to make ideas validation and to take decision about opportunity of technologies use.
      Apache License 2.0
      01320Updated Oct 31, 2022Oct 31, 2022