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Gaurav Reddy gauravreddy08
Making GPUs hotter..

University of Southern California Los Angeles

Hao ilovejs
0 headache approach Write code IN [go, python, js] Domain knownledge IN [oauth, crypto, jose]
Unchun Yang ucyang
I am a software engineer who loves the free and open-source software (FOSS) ecosystem. My broad interests include AI, cybersecurity, and quantum computing.
Ashwin Francis ashwin-francis
DevOps & Integration Engineer 👍 Git | Docker | Kubernetes | Networking | Telemetry | Cloud

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Paulo Cesar A. Rezende PauloRezend
💫 Developer currently in training at * graduate in Computer Science * I like peanuts and cookies.

Brasília, Brasil

Gokul Js gokuljs
Founding Member at @Aerotime YC W21, bringing the funk to open-source contribution!

Aerotime world

Ufuk Uzun ufuk

Istanbul, Turkey

Zabaidul Islam zabaidulbd
A passionate Web Developer!

Health Innovations Of America Minnesota, USA

Suresh Kumar SureshJogshn
JavaScript | Mongo DB | Express JS | React JS | Node JS | HTML | CSS | TailwindCss


Icaro Lordes Icarolordes-dev
Sou Ícaro, um programador iniciante em transição de carreira e muito sonhador. 👨🏾‍💻🔆

Vila Velha, ES

AiiQ_Group AiiQ-Group
Creating solutions with for the Private Lending Industry

AiiQ Group, Inc USA

sajda sajdakabir
crafting with lo-fi vibes


Peeyush Raj veris-pr
if this has been built, what's next?


Jinglei Ren basicthinker
Founder at Merico / Apache DevLake / DevChat

Merico Beijing & San Francisco

Andrei Radulescu andiradulescu
CTO @ UrbanAir / Contributor @commaai

Neobility Bucharest, Romania