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Research Assistant,

TED University Ankara, Turkey

Leveraging econometrics & Python. BSc in Financial Mathematics, MSc in Economics pending.
Yemi Ajayi Yemsgems
Currently working on my data science skills.
Shaun Haslam Shaun-Haslam

Bank of England London

Tom Davies tom-davies-boe
Data Scientist, Payments Data and Analytics

Bank of England London, UK

Gerson Gerson-Suaznabar
Data Analyst at the Bank of England, specializing in financial data analysis and visualization. Focused on supporting economic decisions through data-driven

@BankofEngland London

George Marbuah GMarbuah
Research Economist | African Development Bank
Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


PhD Candidate in Economic Sociology at Sorbonne Université - Unimi. Focused on computational methods applied to cryptocurrencies, DeFi and economic exchanges.
Will McDonald wmcdonald404
Professional computer toucher. Terrible punlord.

Cardiff, Wales.