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Yiyuan Jia yiyuan1840
building performance simulation practitioner, BEMP

Madison, WI

Andrew Barfield AndrewBarfield
Software engineer in the financial and medical services industries. Author of computer programming books for Apress and KDE.

Wells Fargo, Medtronic Elizabethtown, NC, USA

sc0v0ne sc0v0ne
AI/ML Engineer and Tech Writer

Arnfinn eielsen

Newcastle, NSW

Melody Nguyen melodyxnguyen
Computer Science & Business @marimo-team

marimo New York City

Shahab Mousavi ssmousav
PhD @ Stanford

Stanford University Stanford, CA

Mike Heinen mbheinen

AspenTech Minneapolis, MN

David P. Chassin dchassin
Electricity load modeling and simulation expert with 40 years experience in energy simulation and modeling for buildings and electricity infrastructure.

Eudoxys Sciences LLC Marysville, WA 98270 (USA)

James Lancelot GridBoost
Automating Energy


Pedram Jahangiri iut62elec
Enterprise Solution Architect at AWS with a PhD in Computer and Electrical Engineering. AI/ML|GenAICloud | Power & Energy | Containers | Serverless | DevOps