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Nick trxppyhxppy
Software Developer

United States

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Matt Cianfarani cianfaranim
Sysadmin & #AvGeek. 99% of all commits I make are spelling corrections.

Toronto, Canada

League LMVM2041-dev
Experienced JavaScript programmer. Working with discord.js. Learning HTML and backend scripting. Experienced in Roblox LUA scripting.
Chris "Slothy" Im2Slothy
Not sure what to put here... Maybe something along the lines of "Coding == Art"?


William Fortson WillFJS
I'm just a software developer that works with discord.js & MongoDB

Inertia Lighting Oklahoma, USA

A Shaw Ashaw34254
Creater of @bluedragonmodding
the Amazon Guy Mrfixit935
Founder Of Wave Hosting
Jack Burk Grizzlywastaken

@hostanvil United States

AD_Dev Captainoff51
- Young developers - I am Captain (pseudo haha)

c_studio France

LawMixer LawMixer
I am an 19-year-old software engineer doing full-time back-end development & cybersecurity.

@Orosius-Laboratories United States

Mindful JustMindfulYT

@Damaged-Engineer-Interactive Germany

Jacob ignBiometrical
Student, Software Engineer


Diesel Diesel1919
I am a fivem owner/dev diesel_0001 on discord
Sam sam462

United Kingdom

Samuel Benicewicz SamB133
Current MS Computer Science with a concentration in Cybersecurity student at UT Dallas.

Dallas, TX

Adrian Jakubowski TheSlavicKing
🇷🇸 За крст часни и слободу златну!