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Fabian Morón Zirfas ff6347
👋🏽 I'm Fabian. I'm a creative technologist and educator @hbk-bs living in Berlin who occasionally does stuff that involves things.

@hbk-bs Berlin

Lucas Vogel vogelino
Web-loving nerd with a special focus on UI/UX and web development

Santiago, Chile

Lennart Klein kleinlennart
Data & AI Lead @UN-CRAFd | Research Fellow @SocialChangeLab 👨🏼‍💻📚🌱🌍

United Nations, Complex Risk Analytics Fund (CRAF’d) New York

David Pomerenke davidpomerenke
Developing for the Ministry for Development, monitoring media impact with the Media Impact Monitor.

@Datenlabor-BMZ @SocialChangeLab Berlin