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Riley Harper rmharp

UNC-Chapel Hill Chapel Hill

Asmaa Ali asmaa-a-abdelwahab
Research Data Scientist @ Edelweiss Connect (EwC).

Nile University Cairo, Egypt

CJC chejungchang
Environment and cancer epidemiologist
Parker Combs combspk
Programmer at NIEHS


Madison Feshuk madison-feshuk

EPA Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

Alejandro Hernandez alejandroh3005
biostatistician 📊, R enthusiast 💻, graduate student at the University of Washington 🌸

University of Washington Seattle, WA

Joseph Hess hess80

Underwriters Laboratories Research Institutes

Cole Brokamp cole-brokamp

@cchmc Cincinnati, OH

Allan Irvine NewGraphEnvironment
The biggest lie is that we will never look after each other

New Graph Environment Ltd. Earth

Elihu Ihms elihuihms-nih

Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


Jagadeesh Puvvula jagadeeshpuvvula
Instructor - Epidemiology

UPennDBEI Philadelphia, PA

Claudio Zanettini c1au6i0
Cyberdyne Systems         Model 101

Baltimore, MD

Kamel Mansouri kmansouri
- Computational Chemistry/Toxicology - Cheminformatics and data mining - QSAR/QSPR and ADME-Tox properties modeling [orcid:0000-0002-6426-8036]


Chen-Hsuan Huang renan991995

National Taiwan University Taipei, Taiwan

Ranadeep Daw dawranadeep
◉ Postdoc @ NIEHS ◉ PhD @ Mizzou ◉ Student @ ISI Kolkata ◉ Data Scientist @ Deloitte ◉ Intern @ Missouri Division of Conservation, GE, FinIQ.
{SET}group kyle-messier
Kyle P Messier, PhD Stadtman Investigator -- Geospatial exposure and risk assessment methods with tox data integration. @NIEHS

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

Mehdi Ghadimi mehdi780311
Master of Environmental Health Engineering

Zanjan University of Medical Sciences Zanjan, Iran

Thomas J. Lauer tjlauer
Computer Information Technology major at MNSU, Mankato, MN. Senior Full Stack Developer in Chemistry at GAC, St Peter, MN. Contact me at

@stoll-lab-gac Mankato, MN, USA

Julie White juliedwhite
I work on omics + environmental exposures + epidemiology ⟷ human health, and try to produce effective and reproducible analyses.

Raleigh, NC

Raul Méndez-Giráldez, PhD raulmendez

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) Durham, NC