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<Sachin/> RookieProgrammerSachin
Intermediate Python programmer, rookie web-dev, 3D artist and YouTube tech-junkie Video game junkie


Oscar Arango ztc0

cape coral, florida

Nam Nguyen namnguyenn17
Just a learner.

Tan Tao University Ho Chi Minh

Neji Develops nejidevelops
A fullstack developer with skills in React, Rails, HTML, CSS and Javascript

Microverse Nairobi

Reynier Lester Claro Escalona. rlclaro
Software Architect and Developer

Woffu Tarragona, España

Olawale Akinro lexycole
Versatile Full Stack Developer | Lifelong Learner | Agile Methodologies | Actively Seeking Web3 and AI Internship | I develop solutions that make people's lives Lagos, Nigeria. West Africa.

Papi Papi84
Java Script Full Stack

K(now) Kigali,Rwanda

Macs macster
stay hungry, stay foolish... be patient!

UxDev romania

Nils Nils-Schaefer

Germany, Brunswick