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Edson Zegarra EddEcho

Localstack Lima - Peru

Sivakumar Perumal sivakumar04

@liferay Bangalore, India

Anderson Perrelli aperrelli
Solution Architect at Liferay, Inc.

Liferay, Inc. Recife - PE, Brazil

Rafael Pereira de Melo rafaelpdemelo
Developer, AppSec Engineer and B.Sc. Computer Science Student at Catholic University of Brasilia

@Liferay, Inc. Recife - Pernambuco - Brasil

Kildare Porciuncula kildarep

Liferay Paulista, Pernambuco

Thaynam LĂĄzaro thaynam
Frontend Software Engineer

neri care Recife, Brasil

Madhu Yadav devopsmystic

@liferay Bengaluru, India

Eugenio Antunes EugenioAntunes
Software Developer at Liferay

@liferay Recife

Isac Baldi IsacBaldi


Danilo da Mata danilodamata
IT learner at Soli Deo Gloria Project Oracle Next Education student

Recife - PE

Claudio Souza Claudioss23
Assoc Technical Writer at Liferay Inc.

Liferay Inc. Brazil

RubĂŠns rubenssoares-br
"Porque Deus amou ao mundo de tal maneira que deu o seu Filho unigênito, para que todo o que nele crê não pereça, mas tenha a vida eterna." - João 3:16

Recife, Brazil

ben.niu 000benniu

Liferay Tokyo, Japan

Fernando Fernandez ferdez
Technology Specialist

Inetum (formerly: Gfi Portugal) Lisbon, PT

Wellington Barbosa welitonpe
Software Engineer

Liferay Brasil

Wouter Vernaillen vernaillen
Full Stack Java & Vue Developer.


Rafael Uen rtienpal

@liferay Recife, Brazil

Felipe Lins felipealins
@liferay Project Manager

Liferay Recife, BRA

Stepan Samutichev samutich
:electron: :atom: :dependabot: :octocat: 🌐

Fuco Worldwide

Balazs Letai balazsletai

Liferay Inc. Budapest, Hungary

Lourenço Trevenzolli ltreven
Brazilian, living in Berlin, working at Liferay as Director of Engineering.

Liferay Berlin, Germany

Valdir Silva vdsou
Security Analyst and Software Developer

Liferay Camaragibe, PE

Taro Shimada shimadataro

Liferay Inc Tokyo,Japan

Muktesh K B mukteshkb INDIA

Julliano Goncalves jullianow
DevOps Engineer at @LiferayCloud

@LiferayCloud Recife

Luiz Henrique de Lima Lourenço LuizHenrique1999
23, Incident Management Specialist & DevSecOps at Liferay and majoring in Information Systems at Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco.

Liferay Recife, PE

Carlos Alvarez CarlosSMA
Associate Software Engineer | DevSecOps Enthusiast

Liferay, Inc. Recife