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Rishabh rishabh135
Machine Learning Researcher


Robin rdoume
Machine Learning Engineering Manager

@artefactory Paris

Yodi aditya yodiaditya
Learning about Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Data Scientist and LLM


Wesam Al-Nabki wesamalnabki
NLP enthusiast/ Ph.D.


Scott Walter ScottJWalter
Just another digital nomad roaming the information superhighway, looking for adventure and enlightenment.

Minneapolis, MN

nilecui nilecui
Algorithm Engineer focused on the practical application and deployment of machine learning and optimization algorithms. Skilled in developing scalable and effic
Code, eat, sport and friends😊
Manickavela manickavela29
MLOPs at Uniphore | Performant ML Systems

Uniphore India

Ihor Stepanov Ingvarstep
I am excited to develop AI systems for the expenditure of human knowledge.

Knowledgator Engineering Kyiv, Ukraine

Maicon Domingues DominguesM
Data Scientist working to change justice in Brazil. @softplan


NIkhil Sai nikki-13
hi I am tech student and learning to cod

None Hyderabad,telangana

Afonso Marques marquesafonso
Here you'll find some data science and engineering projects. NLP, databases and web scraping with a focus on open data and information retrieval systems.
Serj Smor SerjSmor Tel-Aviv

Louis Germain Avditvs
NLP Machine Learning Engineer @ Synthesio, France

Ipsos Synthesio Paris, France

爱可可-爱生活 fly51fly
BUPT prof | Sharing latest AI papers & insights | Join me in embracing the AI revolution! #MachineLearning #AI #Innovation

PRIS BeiJing

whb SnailWhb
like a happy snail
BioMike BioMikeUkr
Bioinformatics, genetics, synthetic biology & machine learning

Knowledgator London