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codingsh developerfred
Blockchain Developer, White Hat, Bridge builder and Decentralization specialist ENS: codingsh.eth


João Bertholino joaobertholino
Software developer and CompSci student.

São Caetano do Sul, SP

Cameron Beebe CameronBeebe
Interdisciplinary philosopher of science interested in quantum theory, AI, and cybernetics.
Ben Rellick benrellick
Just a Front End Developer trying to amass variously shaded green squares. We out here.

Who Gives a Crap Harrisonburg, VA, USA

Eduardo Chiarotti pythonbyte
Sr. Software Engineer / ML Engineer


Oscar Molnar tymscar
Tech enthusiast with a passion for creative coding, *nix systems, and problem-solving.

Glean Coventry UK

Petter Strandmark PetterS
Computer vision, optimization, and operations research. I work at Apple in Stockholm.


λ Rüzgar Imski mondano
bringing things into being that did not exist before...

@interplaynetary swarm

Full stack engineer


Erouax Erouax

Kurium B.V. Melbourne, Australia

Joey Yu itsjoeoui
Infra @Shopify | Building @fijoyapp

@Shopify Montreal, Canada

Essal essalhq
Empowering the next generation of digital talent.

Essal Doha, Qatar

Samuel Pereira da Silva SMCodesP
Observando como a programação pode ser beautiful!

@maquinaweb @Obscure-Central Brazil

Magdielian-code Magdielian-code
Software and Systems Engineer | Design Patterns | System Architecture

Jupytec Nigeria

Anderson Melo andermelo
Software Engineer 💻 📱

@trippay São Paulo, Brasil

Priyansu Sahoo Priyansusahoo
OpenToWork・Software Engineer
George Lima georgelima
Developer working on @Iniciador-de-Pagamentos

@Iniciador-de-Pagamentos Piauí • Brasil

Geeking out a little more each day :)
Max Wipfli MaxWipfli
studying Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

ETH Zurich Switzerland


Sao Paulo, Brazil

Vladimir Dementyev Risk8t
University of Bristol | 2nd Year BSc Computer Science and Electronics

University of Bristol Bristol, United Kingdom

Tushar Jain tushar994
Just someone who loves to build things with code and wants to make change
Marcos Vilela marcosvile
Cloud Analyst | SysAdmin | DevOps

Marcos Vilela Montes Claros | MG

Resoluciones Resoluciones

Resoluciones Uruguay

Tazmeen Afroz TazmeenAfroz
Student at National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences

Peshawar District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

King tdadadavid
King | Software Engineer | Computer Scientist | Priest

NITHUB Lagos , Nigeria

apaz apaz-cli

Prime Intellect AI Open secrets, anyone can find me

Lucas Grosjean lucasgrjn
Lucas Grosjean, Currently playing to mix photonics and IA with a pinch of Lithium Niobate at Femto-ST, CNRS Labs 🇫🇷, Resident at (Google) X.

X, Google San Francisco