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Jelloeater Jelloeater
"The cloud is just someone else's computer"
Billy Matthews chasingtheflow

Semaphore Partners Colorado

Jon Clow Hachimaki
Software developer and former Computer Science masters student at FSU working in software engineering and machine learning with a passion for games.
Sturla Bragason sturlabragason
Information wants to be free.

@Devoteam Remote

Ben Webb bentenjamin
Rust is cool, crypto is interesting, I like numbers, curious to see a sentient AI, open source FTW, words are hard

NTT Ltd Cape Town

James Charles Taylor JimCarlTay
Born April 23, 2002 Student, Mapua University, School of IT Degree course: B.Sc. Information Technology


Travis Kessler, PhD tjkessler
Research Engineer at AIMdyn, Inc. | Machine Learning Engineer | Advocate for Open Source Software

AIMdyn, Inc. New York

Damien Plénard damoun
Senior Site Reliability Engineer 💻 Papa 👶 Gamer 🎮 Expat 🌍 Neurodivergent 💙

@Camunda Amsterdam, Netherlands

Antik Antik79
Main Site Admin at Lemmy World Matrix:

Lemmy World

Sigurd Vie SigurdVie

Svalbard, Longyearbyen