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derekky Derekky
Information Systems Student at University of São Paulo (USP).

São Paulo, Brazil

Finhawk F1NH4WK
Aspiring Digital Forensics


Gabriel Trigueiro melogtm
Undergraduate in Information Systems at USP

@Sintese-Jr São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil

Pedro Resnitzky npedrohh
USP - Sistemas de Informação
Labelle Moon BelleMoon
Information Systems (I.S) Student by the University of São Paulo (USP). Blockchain | AI | D.S.

Universidade de São Paulo SP - São Paulo

Undergraduate in Information Systems at University of São Paulo
Tiago Cunha cstiago
CompSci @ UFABC

Layers Education

Fernando Toba Lopez Feba2612
Estudando sistemas de informação na USP (Universidade de São Paulo)
Ana Paula Bernardo dos Santos anasantosdev
Information Systems, USP | Volunteer Student @EACH-inTheShell

Banco BV São Paulo, Brazil

Rodrigo Lyusei rodrigolyusei
"To Infinity And Beyond!"
Gabriel de Souza SirMonteiro
Information Systems Undergraduate Student at University of São Paulo (USP)

EACH USP São Paulo - Brasil

Kauê Oliveira kaueolivr
Sistemas de Informação - USP

Síntese Jr. São Paulo - Brasil

Andre Palacio andrepalaci0
Sistemas de Informação - USP // Software Engineer Intern at Stone

São Paulo

Marcus Natrielli InfiniteMarcus
Computer Science student at UFSCar - Sorocaba and part of the organization of the hackerspace HackoonSpace

Projeto Hanna São Paulo, Brazil

Diego Moraes DiegoMMoraes
Information Systems student @ USP

Sìntese Jr. São Paulo

Matheus Rocha dev-math
Aprendendo com desafios

São Paulo, Brasil.

Rafael Barboza de França HugeBisteca
Estudante de Sistemas de Informação na USP e um exímio curioso.

None São Paulo

Erik Gaborim erikgaborim
IT Technician who loves programming, focused on Mobile and Web Development.

Universidade de São Paulo São Paulo - SP

A.D.R.Y AdryelliReiz
Student of Information Systems at the University of São Paulo (USP)

@up.p São Paulo - SP (Brazil)

Gustavo Almeida de Jesus SystemGuuh
🖥️ | Sistemas de Informação - USP | ⛩️ | Maybe I like anime | 🏋️ | Let's go to the gym | 👺

Universidade de São Paulo Brazil

Jeniffer Martins martinsjeniffer
Senior Cyber Security Engineer. Bachelor in Information Systems @ USP.

São Paulo - SP

Tales Vedovatti TalesVedovatti
Web developer and a human trying to find out the world's most interesting thing


Rafael Nakata rafnak1
Computer Engineering undergraduate at University of São Paulo

Poli-USP Brazil, state of São Paulo

Jadno Barbosa JadnoABS
Software Developer and Information Systems Undergraduate.

São Paulo

André Rocha AndreRochaV
Student of Information Systems at the University of São Paulo (USP)

São Paulo - Brasil