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Paride Carrara paride92
PhD candidate in Political Science at the University of Bologna. Interested in text analysis

University of Bologna Bologna (Italy)

Lucho Barajas LuchoBarajas
Economist, MSc in Economics, Economics of education, MSc. Applied Social data Science candidate


Gina Reynolds EvaMaeRey
Data Visualization and Statistical Communication; ggplot2 extension
Len Metson lenmetson
PhD Political Science student @ LSE Government

LSE - London School of Economics London

Kenneth Benoit kbenoit
Professor of Computational Social Science; Director, LSE Data Science Institute: Director of @quanteda Initiative

London School of Economics and Political Science London

Thomas Gareau Paquette ThomasGareau
PhD Student in Government @ Cornell University

Ithaca, NY

Brancen Gregory brancengregory

@openjusticeok Tulsa, Oklahoma

Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst



Universidad Los Andes Bogotá, Colobia

Andrei-WongE Andrei-WongE
Economist specialized in spatial data science with extensive experience in the development sector.

|> enjoy London, United Kingdom

Cong Liu the8thday
Bioinformatics & MedicalStatistics

Kintor suzhou