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Showkatul Islam Shovon shov0n-mux
Tech Crawler 🤖

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Juan Aranda juanarandatech Cedar Rapids, IA

Handy Handy-xing
双手改变世界。 ——————————— Hands change the world.


Matheus Lenzi dos Santos Matheus-Lenzi
CIO @ mobway | AI @ THRosenheim


Reiner Eiteljoerge reiner2403

Antaro GmbH Wadgassen, Germany

孫匯洲 hzhou81


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


flechazo FlechazoCLF
@GeddesRs AVI-ONE
AEROSPACE & AVIATION Consultants working towards the implementation of the UN’s 2030 sustainable development goals.

Victoria BC Canada

RH rh-v

Munich Germany

Sherif Ahmed SherifSaied
I am a passionate professional at the forefront of integrating mechanical automotive products with cutting-edge software and data analysis techniques.

Sheikh Zayed City-Egypt

Harinath Nampally hnampally
Embedded Software Engineer in Automotive Industry
Angelo akenel
Working on Integrated Solutions


Vishaka Basnayake VishakaB
Contentment and Growth

University of Oulu Oulu, Finland


Valeo cairo

Stephen Lawrence slawr
Lead of the Data Architecture group and member of the Technical Steering Team and Board of the @COVESA automotive alliance.

Renesas Electronics UK (Engineering Group)

Michael Martin m-martin-tti

Texas A&M Transportation Institute Bryan, TX