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Swapnil Wakchaure swapnilwakchaure
Aspiring MERN Stack Web Developer, ready to learn new technology. Looking forward to build a career as a web developer.

Masai School, Bangalore Sangamner, Maharastra

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


IBCHGenomic IBCHgenomic
Bioinformatics, Genome Analysis, Pangenome, Metagenomics, Transcriptomics, Deep Learning Poland

Ju-young Shin DENGARDEN

COSMAX BTI Pangyo, South Korea

Ettore Rocchi EttoreRocchi
PhD student @ Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, University of Bologna

Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna Bologna

happycoder zhangkaibin0921
Focusing on cyberspace security
Preston Jones pdj555

University of Oklahoma Norman, OK

Stephen Guo MultiNet02

Harbin Institute of Technology

Zhe Ren wtbxsjy
Bioinformatics/Data Analyst

BGI-Shenzhen China


Chonnam National University Gwangju, South Korea

Danling Cao danielle20010405

University of Manchester Manchester

Ghulam Mustafa Keerio Ghulam-Mustafa-Keerio
Data Analyst | BigQuery& Looker | PowerBI | Predicative Model| Nawabshah Sindh, Pakistan

Pranavathiyani G pranavathiyani
Multidisciplinary enthusiast 💬 #Bioinformatics #SystemsBiology #DataScience #AMR #Coding #AI

CSIR – Institute Of Microbial Technology (IMTech) Chandigarh, India

Daniel dzvm-research
Medical Doctor & Researcher | Medical image analysis at Ueffing Lab @ University of Tübingen

University of Tübingen Tübingen, Germany

summ summ2020

Zhejiang University Hangzhou, China

Ye Hyacinth Meng HyacinthMeng
Life is beautiful---点燃生命之火、纵享丰富人生; Research fileds:Immunology 、Molecular biology、Statistic、Computational Biology
DuZongze Yaoyaolingbro
Student of Zhejiang University. Currently interested in AI for science.

Zhejiang University

Cancer systems biology • Single-cell phenomics
Donato Quiccione theconsciouspasticcio
I'm So Meta Even This Acronym


Hungpo Chu HangboZhu
Undergraduate @NIT.ZJU

Zhejiang University,Ningbo Institute of Technology Ningbo,Zhejiang,China

Yc. Han Yc-Han
Statistics and Data Science & Biology Student @ LMU Munich | Consultant @ StaBLab | RA @ HZI


Caleb B. calebridgwater
Global public health researcher

Richmond, VA

Nader AttentiveNader
Deep Learning Engineer

@Proteinea Cairo, Egypt

Siyuan HUANG SiyuanHuangSJTU
MSc student at SJTU (Double Degree at École Polytechnique)
Akash Bahai akashbahai
Bioinformatics, Machine Learning, and Computational Structural Biology

@LKCMed Singapore

Alberto Jaramillo Jiménez alberto-jj
MD - Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia. PhD - University of Stavanger, Norway. Postdoc on multicentric & multimodal biomarkers of neurodegeneration

Centre for Age-Related Medicine (SESAM), Stavanger University Hospital Stavanger, Norway

Menna Gamal Mennayousef
Bioinformatics MSc

London, United Kingdom

Gregor Lichtner glichtner
Researcher at University Medicine Greifswald

University Medicine Greifswald Greifswald, Germany

Serban Cristian Tudosie CrisSherban

University College London Somewhere in Europe

Chris Iapetus chris-iapetus

dvcsrv St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada