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Milind Malshe milindmalshe

Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta

Jason Poulos jvpoulos
Working on machine learning and causal inference in health and social sciences

Boston, MA

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


RenataTPaiva PaivaRT
"A vida é uma aprendizagem diária. Afasto-me do caos e sigo um simples pensamento: Quanto mais simples, melhor!“ José Saramago


PhD in Epidemiology. Interested in Biostatistics, Epidemiological Methods, Diagnostic and Prognostic Predictive Models.

Instituto Carlos Chagas/ Fundação Oswaldo Cruz Curitiba, PR

Yichao Liang yichao-liang
Wyatt Walsh wyattowalsh
cookin' up some code 👨‍🍳 :octocat: :bowtie: :shipit: 📈

@jpmorganchase New York City, New York, United States of America

Lulzx Lulzx
I hit keys to transform dreams into reality.

Asia, Earth

Damon Bayer damonbayer
Statistician and infectious disease researcher

@cdcgov Saint Paul, MN

Dirk Roeckmann diro5t
Comp. Scientist, IT Manager, Consultant, SAP Expert, Indep. AI Researcher, AI = Deep Learning + Causal Inference + Symbol Manipulation, Deep Quadric Learning


John Chan jachan
Software engineer currently working @newjersey. Likes Super Smash Bros. Melee, good writing, and public radio on the weekends.

@newjersey NYC

Josh Purtell JoshuaPurtell
AI Agent Research

Synth San Francisco

Ananth Venkatesh quantum9Innovation
Haskellian hacker, Nix flake manager, software freedom fighter, applied mathematician (in theory), and noösphere resident, among other things

MIT ’28 Cambridge, MA

Sean slwu89
Y2K survivor

@mrc-ide @dd-harp

Júlia Tessler juliatessler
Machine Learning Engineer @ Sinch


Joel Dyer joelnmdyer
Senior researcher in AI for agent-based modelling at the University of Oxford (Computer Science & @INET-Complexity)

University of Oxford

Arnau Quera-Bofarull arnauqb
Working on AI for complexity science.

Macrocosm New York

Reuben Gardos Reid ReubenJ
PhD student in Algorithmics at TU Delft

@AlgTUDelft Delft, Netherlands

McCoy R. Becker femtomc
Bayesian brain-in-a-jar.

@probcomp Boston, MA

Sebastijan Dumancic sebdumancic
Assistant Professor at Delft University of Technology. Program synthesis/induction, probabilistic programming and StarAI

Delft University of Technology

César Miguel Valdez Córdova cmvcordova
PhD Student - Quantitative Life Sciences (QLS)

McGill University/Mila Montreal, Canada

Gilad Turok gil2rok
Machine learning, Bayesian statistics, & optimization.

Flatiron Institute NYC

Praharsh Suryadevara spraharsh

New York University New York

Frans Zdyb deoxyribose
I'm learning to write programs that learn to write programs.


Raj Agrawal agrawalraj
EECS PhD MIT. Researcher in ML / stats. Open-source software @

Cambridge, MA

Marjorie Xie marjoriexie
AI & Society postdoctoral research fellow

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA

Yerdos Ordabayev ordabayevy
Senior Machine Learning Scientist I at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard.

Broad Institute, DSP Cambridge, MA

Chad Scherrer cscherrer
Probabilistic programming in Rust and Julia

Redpoll Seattle, WA

Max Wall maxasauruswall
Biology, probability, programming languages, scientific programming, machine learning, etc.

Foray Bioscience Acton, MA

Qian Qin qinqian
Bioinformatics scientist


Cameron Smith cameronraysmith

Harvard Medical School Boston, MA, USA

Henry Gouk henrygouk
Assistant Professor @ University of Edinburgh. Converts coffee into code, models, and theorems.

University of Edinburgh Scotland