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Certified in JavaScript & Manual QA. Currently pursuing a Master's in Computational Linguistics with a focus on Python, XML, and SQL


Raicho Nikolov paucku
Sept 2019 - now Math teacher for 5th, 6th and 7th grade 2018-2019 A teacher in Math, Computers and Entrepreneurship for K-12 students.

Sofia, Bulgaria

Vanya Latunova vanyal10
πŸ”§ Aspiring QA Automation Engineer | Java | SQL | Selenium | Software Testing | Linux


I am "C0T". I am the un-disputed King of Javascript. At least that's what the voices in my head tell me...



Bulgaria, Sofia

My experience in accounting and data processing led me to the creation of some automation tools. Please leave comments if you have any questions.

Sofia, Bulgaria

Mariya Tsvetkova merry84
Hello, I'm Mariya Tsvetkova I am currently studying Software Engineering with C# at Softuni.


Islam alshiki Islam-alshiki
Yet another full stack programmer for mobile, web, desktop and helper libraries.

@Azad-ly Benghazi, Libya

Gosho Pechkata goshopechkata
i pesho divaka - drugari po pienie
Stanislav Tashev SMTashev20
I love to work in a team and motivate people to continue to study and develop themselves. :) @microsoft Learn Student Ambassador

@codingburgas Burgas, Bulgaria

Ivana Boyukliyska Ivanazzz
Information Technology in Industry student at the Technical University of Sofia and also student at SoftUni

Sofia, Bulgaria

Konstantin kzaraliev

SoftUni Foundation Sofia, Bulgaria

Ivelina Stancheva IvelinaStancheva
πŸš€ Python dev in progress | πŸ’» Passionate about hacking β€οΈπŸ–€πŸ’», just getting started | 🐱🐢 Cat & dog lover | 🌿 Nature seeker |


Iosko Balabozov ibalabozov
University Teacher and Electrical Engineer.

Technical University of Sofia Sofia

Rosalina Gramatikov jumperche
Bachelor computer science


Veselina Yaneva VesetoQnusheva
Hi, I am Veselina Yaneva! πŸ‘‹

OTP Group

Alexander Boev superalex-dev

A1 Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria

chepilov chepilovhr
Mechanical engineer transforming into software engineer
