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Celia Hein celiahein
Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Toronto

University of Toronto

Forest growth models, remote sensing and application of LiDAR technology from handheld, stationary ground and airborne platforms

University of Alberta Edmonton

Jared Randall FireWoRx21
PhD Forest Biology and Management Student at the University of Alberta
Cole Burton wildcole

Vancouver, Canada

Julie Duval GISJewls


Brendan Casey bgcasey
Biodiversity Modelling Ecologist with the Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (ABMI)

University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta

Max Turgeon turgeonmaxime
Data Scientist @tesera

@tesera Canada

Robin Cole robmarkcole
Tackling the worlds toughest challenges with AI & ML applied to satellite imagery

@earthdaily London, UK

Pieter Aukes paukes
Hi! I'm an instructor interested in water science & biogeochemistry. I also like making open/accessible geochem analysis 📦 for all to use. ❄ 💧

Southern Alberta Institute of Technology

Austin Zeller austinczeller
MSc. University of Alberta. Wildlife ecologist with the Wildlife Conservation Society.

Whitehorse, Yukon

David Nicholson NickleDave
ML, AI; behavior + cog + neuro. Open + inclusive science. Pythonista. He/him (they's ok too). Habla espanglish y baila salsa y bachata a medio tiempo.

@vocalpy Charm City

Ștefan Istrate stefanistrate

Tech4Nature LTD London, UK

David Roberts d-ro

ABMI / InnoTech Alberta Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Brandon Allen beallen
Senior Terrestrial Ecologist with the Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute

Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute Edmonton, AB