This is a developer library for OrderCloud developers utilizing React for their frontend development. It is essentially a wrapper for Tanstack query, which provides a lot of good functionality out of the box for background refreshes, request de-duplication, and caching. You configure your API client settings on the OrderCloudProvider
which will provide you with a global context accessible though the useOrderCloudContext()
hook. In addition to this context hook, it provides "authenticated" versions of useQuery
and useMutation
for reading and manipulating OrderCloud data in an efficient manner.
To keep this package small, there are some required peer dependencies that are typical of an OrderCloud React application that utilizies tanstack libraries:
- @tanstack/react-query@^5.20.1
- @tanstack/react-table@^8.11.8
- ordercloud-javascript-sdk@^5.3.0
- react@^18.2.0
- react-dom@^18.2.0
It is recommended that the OrderCloudProvider
be configured as close to the root of your application as possible. At the very least it needs to wrap any part of your application that will need to communicate with the OrderCloud API.
The OrderCloud base API URL for your marketplace. Usually found in the OrderCloud Portal.
The OrderCloud API Client ID that will be used for authentication
An array of OrderCloud API Roles that will be requested upon authentication
An optional array of Custom Roles (strings) that will be requested upon authentication. Generally only needed if you are using Custom Roles in your marketplace's Security Profiles.
True will enable anonymous authentication (when the API client is properly configured). False will remain unauthenticated until the login()
method is called by your application.
An optional Open API specification object containing one or more xp schema definitions for OrderCloud resources. Xp schemas will be used to generate resource property definitions in the useColumns
hook as well as form fields in the useOcForm
hook. In the absence of a provided resource schema, xp data types will be inferred by default for individual items when using the useOcForm
An optional callback function for globally handling OrderCloud errors in your application. Useful for wiring up toast-like feedback.
This hook returns the OrderCloud context that the OrderCloudProvider sets up based on your provided options. If anonymous authentication is allowed the OrderCloud context will automatically be in an authenticated state on first page load (shortly after the first React lifecycle).
The OrderCloud context returns all of the information you configure on the OrderCloudProvider (baseApiUrl
, clientId
, etc.), along with some additional properties listed below.
When false, there is no valid OrderCloud access token available. Not to be confused with isLoggedIn
When true, the currently active OrderCloud access token is a registered user (not anonymous).
An asyncrhonous callback method for building a login form for your application. When rememberMe is set to true
, the OrderCloudProvider
will attempt to store and use the refresh_token
as long as it is valid. It is not necessary to do anything with the AccessToken
response as this method will take care of managing the active token and authentication state for you.
A callback for logging out a registered user from your application. This will also clear the Tanstack query client cache for OrderCloud API calls, forcing any actively used queries to refetch once anonymous auth takes over again or the user logs back in.
This is a wrapper for the useQuery
Tanstack hook that utilizes the OrderCloud context to set enabled
equal to isAuthenticated
. It also checks for the presence of query.error
and calls out to the supplied defaultErrorHandler
if it was configured on the provider.
This hook supports all of the normal UseQueryOptions
documented by Tanstack. In addition to these options, you can override the default error handler by passing a modified error handler as the second argument. Ultimately this hook will return the same UseQueryResult
that is documented on Tanstack query.
Here is an example of using the useAuthQuery
hook to create a hook that returns the current user.
import { Me, MeUser, OrderCloudError, RequiredDeep } from "ordercloud-javascript-sdk";
import { useAuthQuery } from "@rwatt451/ordercloud-react";
import { UseMutationResult, UseQueryResult } from "@tanstack/react-query";
export function useCurrentUser():UseQueryResult<RequiredDeep<MeUser>, OrderCloudError> {
return useAuthQuery({
queryKey: ["currentUser"],
queryFn: async () => await Me.Get(),
retry: false,
Specifying the queryKey
is important here as it is what controls the query client caching and de-deuplication. This allows you to use the useCurrentUser
hook anywhere in your application and it will only ever be called once.
This is a wrapper for the useMutation
Tanstack hook that utilizes the OrderCloud context to set enabled
equal to isAuthenticated
- just like useAuthQuery
This hook supports all of the normal UseMutationOptions
documented by Tanstack. Because useMutation
already has an option for onError
, the wrapped useAuthMutation
will utilize the defaultErrorHandler
if configured at the provider level and a more specific onError
callback hasn't been provided. This ultimately returns the same UseMutationRestult
as Tanstack query.
Here is an example of using the useAuthMutation
hook to create a UseMutationResult
for modifying the current user.
import { Me, MeUser, OrderCloudError, RequiredDeep } from "ordercloud-javascript-sdk";
import { queryClient, useAuthMutation } from "@rwatt451/ordercloud-react";
import { UseMutationResult } from "@tanstack/react-query";
export function useMutateCurrentUser():UseMutationResult<RequiredDeep<MeUser>, unknown, Partial<MeUser>, unknown> {
return useAuthMutation({
mutationKey: ["currentUser"],
mutationFn: async (userData:Partial<MeUser>) => await Me.Patch(userData),
onSuccess: (data) => {
queryClient.setQueryData(["currentUser"], data)
Specifying the mutationKey
is important here as it is what controls the query client caching and de-deuplication. The onSuccess
option provides an avenue for updating the queryClient qury data cache. That way, any componenent that had used useCurrentUser
will automatically get the updated value no matter where/when mutate()
is called.
Returns an OrderCloud resource list query result from the resource List operation defined on the OrderCloud OpenAPI spec. This hook supports all of the normal UseQueryOptions
documented by Tanstack. Ultimately this hook will return the same UseQueryResult
that is documented on Tanstack query.
The name of the OrderCloud resource to make a list call with.
An optional listOptions object for the OrderCloud list call.
An optional parameters object for the OrderCloud list call.
An optional UseQueryOptions
object. It is recommended to use a staleTime
value .
Here is an example of using the useOcResourceList
hook to create a UseQueryResult
for modifying the current user.
import { useOcResourceList } from "@rwatt451/ordercloud-react";
const dataQuery = useOcResourceList('Orders', { IsSubmitted: true }, { direction: 'Incoming' }, {
staleTime: 300000, // 5 min
Returns an OrderCloud resource get query result from the resource Get operation defined on the OrderCloud OpenAPI spec. This hook supports all of the normal UseQueryOptions
documented by Tanstack. Ultimately this hook will return the same UseQueryResult
that is documented on Tanstack query.
The name of the OrderCloud resource to make a get call with.
An optional parameters object for the OrderCloud get call.
An optional UseQueryOptions
object. It is recommended to use a staleTime
value .
Here is an example of using the useOcResourceGet
hook to create a UseQueryResult
for modifying the current user.
import { useOcResourceGet } from "@rwatt451/ordercloud-react";
const dataQuery = useOcResourceGet('Catalogs', { buyerID: 'BuyerA' }, {
staleTime: 'Infinity',
Returns an OrderCloud resource save or create query result from the resource Save or Create operation defined on the OrderCloud OpenAPI spec. This hook supports all of the normal UseMutationOptions
documented by Tanstack. Ultimately this hook will return the same UseMutationResult
that is documented on Tanstack query.
The name of the OrderCloud resource to make a save or create call with.
An optional parameters object for the OrderCloud save or create call.
An optional UseMutationOptions
An optional boolean that indicates if an item is new. If new, the Create operation will be used.
Here is an example of using the useMutateOcResource
hook to create a UseMutationResult
for modifying the current user.
import { useMutateOcResource } from "@rwatt451/ordercloud-react";
import { useCallback } from "react";
const { mutateAsync: saveAsync } = useMutateOcResource('Products')
const onSubmit = useCallback(
async (values: any) => {
await saveAsync(values.body);
Returns an OrderCloud resource delete query result from the resource Delete operation defined on the OrderCloud OpenAPI spec. This hook supports all of the normal UseMutationOptions
documented by Tanstack. Ultimately this hook will return the same UseMutationResult
that is documented on Tanstack query.
The name of the OrderCloud resource to make a delete call with.
An optional parameters object for the OrderCloud delete call.
An optional UseMutationOptions
Here is an example of using the useDeleteOcResource
hook to create a UseMutationResult
for modifying the current user.
import { useDeleteOcResource } from "@rwatt451/ordercloud-react";
import { useCallback } from "react";
const { mutateAsync: deleteAsync } = useDeleteOcResource('Orders', { direction: 'Outgoing' })
const onDelete = useCallback(
async (values: any) => {
await deleteAsync();
Returns an OrderCloud resource delete query result from the resource Delete operation defined on the OrderCloud OpenAPI spec. This hook supports all of the normal UseMutationOptions
documented by Tanstack. Ultimately this hook will return the same UseMutationResult
that is documented on Tanstack query.
The name of the OrderCloud resource to make a list call with.
Optional string to be included in the resource operation name. ex. List{User}Assignments
An optional listOptions object for the OrderCloud list call.
An optional parameters object for the OrderCloud list call.
An optional UseQueryOptions
object. It is recommended to use a staleTime
value .
Here is an example of using the useListAssignments
hook to create a UseQueryResult
for modifying the current user.
import { useOcResourceList } from "@rwatt451/ordercloud-react";
const dataQuery = useListAssignments('Catalogs', { ID: '100|101|102' }, {
staleTime: 300000, // 5 min
Returns an OrderCloud resource save assignment query result from the resource SaveAssignment operation defined on the OrderCloud OpenAPI spec. This hook supports all of the normal UseMutationOptions
documented by Tanstack. Ultimately this hook will return the same UseMutationResult
that is documented on Tanstack query.
The name of the OrderCloud resource to make a list call with.
Optional string to be included in the resource operation name. ex. Save{User}Assignments
An optional parameters object for the OrderCloud list call.
An optional UseMutationOptions
Here is an example of using the useMutateAssignment
hook to create a UseMutationResult
for modifying the current user.
import { useMutateAssignment } from "@rwatt451/ordercloud-react";
import { useCallback } from "react";
const { mutateAsync: saveAssignmentAsync } = useMutateAssignment('Categories', { catalogID: 'DefaultCatalog', categoryID: 'SoftGoods' })
const onDelete = useCallback(
async (values: any) => {
await saveAssignmentAsync();
Returns an OrderCloud resource assignment delete query result from the resource DeleteAssignment operation defined on the OrderCloud OpenAPI spec. This hook supports all of the normal UseMutationOptions
documented by Tanstack. Ultimately this hook will return the same UseMutationResult
that is documented on Tanstack query.
The name of the OrderCloud resource to make a delete call with.
Optional string to be included in the resource operation name. ex. Delete{User}Assignment
An optional parameters object for the OrderCloud delete call.
An optional UseMutationOptions
Here is an example of using the useDeleteAssignment
hook to create a UseMutationResult
for modifying the current user.
import { useDeleteAssignment } from "@rwatt451/ordercloud-react";
import { useCallback } from "react";
const { mutateAsync: deleteAsync } = useDeleteAssignment('Categories', { catalogID: 'DefaultCatalog', categoryID: 'SoftGoods' })
const onDelete = useCallback(
async (values: any) => {
await deleteAsync();
This hook utilizes the Open API Spec to generate properties, table headers, and @tanstack/react-table
column groupings for a given OrderCloud resource. The dynamicColumns object returned from this hook are meant to be used as the columns
option in @tanstack/react-table
's useReactTable()
hook. If a resource's xp schema is included in the xpSchemas
option for OrderCloudProvider
, these properties will be included in the resource's returned properties and column definitions.
The OrderCloud resource name used for generating column information.
An optional list that will be used to sort table header order if provided.
cellCallback: (info: CellContext<unknown, unknown>, properties: OpenAPIV3.SchemaObject, resourceId: string) => JSX.Element
An optional callback for defining custom elements for @tanstack/react-table
table cells by data type.
This hook returns a UseFormReturn
methods object and a "shallowed" resource schema. If a resource's xp schema is included in the xpSchemas
option for OrderCloudProvider
, these properties will be included in the form fields.
The OrderCloud resource name used for generating column information.
An optional object that contains initial parameter and body values for an item of a given resource ID. The absence of body values indicates a new item.
An optional react-hook-form
props object
This hook determines whether a user has read or admin access to an OrderCloud resource by comparing the user's token and application scope to the OAuth roles indicated on the OpenAPI spec.
The OrderCloud resource name used for generating column information.
While it is not necessary to use the actual OrderCloud SDK to communicate with the OrderCloud API, it definitely makes things easier. The isAuthenticated
state is based on the returned value of SDKs Tokens.GetValidToken()
method and the OrderCloud SDK Configuration
object is set up using the values passed into the OrderCloudProvider
. Additonally, the SDK provides typed responses which make working with useAuthQuery
and useMutationQuery
generics easier.
On the flip side, it is also not entirely necessary to use the wrapped Tanstack hooks. If you want to just use the normal OrderCloud SDK, just be certain that you aren't making any calls when isAuthenticated
is false. Though, in doing so you will miss out on all of the benefits that Tanstack provides.