This repository contains some basic examples on how to implement OrbitDB in Javascript using various methods and frameworks.
Different frameworks and implementations are provided. Below are installation and usage details for each example.
To start, check out this repository:
git clone
Bundle OrbitDB in a node application.
The Node.js demo provides an example of how OrbitDB uses IPFS to replicate records across peers.
Install the 3rd party NPM packages and run the example:
cd ./nodejs
npm i
Run two terminal windows, terminal 1 and terminal 2.
In terminal 1, run the following:
node index.js
Once running, an OrbitDB address will be printed in the form /orbitdb/. Copy this before moving on to the next step.
In terminal 2, run index.js, passing the OrbitDB address you copied from the other window:
node index.js /orbitdb/<hash>
You should see the second peer add a record which the first peer should also print to the screen.
To close the peers and exit the two instances of the daemon, press ctrl+c in each of the terminal windows.
Run OrbitDB as a simple web app.
Launch a local web server. For example, you can use the Python's HTTP server:
cd ./browser
python3 -m http.server 8081
Browse to http://localhost:8081/
Run OrbitDB as a simple web app for ES compatible browsers (e.g. <script type="module"/>).
Launch a local web server. For example, you can use the Python's HTTP server:
cd ./browser-es
python3 -m http.server 8081
Browse to http://localhost:8081/
Integrate OrbitDB with a webpacked app.
Install the 3rd party NPM packages:
cd ./webpack
npm i
npm run build
Launch a local web server. For example, you can use the Python's HTTP server:
python3 -m http.server 8081
Browse to http://localhost:8081/
Integrate OrbitDB in a ReactJS app.
Install the 3rd party NPM packages and run:
cd ./react
npm i
npm run start
Browse to the specified localhost URL in your web browser.
Integrate OrbitDB in a VueJS app.
Install the 3rd party NPM packages and run:
cd ./vue-vite
npm i
npm run dev
Browse to the specified localhost URL in your web browser.
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