- Open the project in IDE (Current to 18/02/2021 I'm using VSCode).
- Open the following file in the 'src/settings/settings.js' file.
- Search for the first setting - 'METHOD' - And select 'NAME' (file names and paths) or CONTENT (content of specific files).
- Search for setting 'MODE' - Make sure it's on 'STANDARD'.
- Search for setting 'SCAN_PATH' - Select the path you want to scan.
- If you selected 'CONTENT' on the method, go to allowFileExtensions.js file to select the file types to scan.
- Next - Time to install the NPM packages. In the terminal run: 'npm i'. It will install automatically all the required NPM packages.
- In the terminal run: 'npm start'. If everything goes well, you will start to see the console status line appear.
- If you see any error - Need to check what's changed. Current to 18/02/2021, it works fine.
- If you see the console status line but the 'Total' not progressing - Need to check what's wrong.
- If no errors and the progress works OK, make sure to check in the 'dist/date' directory of today (Example: 1_20200316_222124)/ that the TXT file was created successfully.
- Successful running application on production should look like this:
/* cSpell:disable */ ===IMPORTANT SETTINGS=== METHOD: NAME MODE: STANDARD SCAN_PATH: C:\Or\Web\sender\sender
OK to run? (y = yes) y ===VALIDATE GENERAL SETTINGS=== ===INITIATE THE SERVICES=== ===DOWNLOAD DICTIONARIES=== ===IMPLEMENT DICTIONARIES=== ===[SETTINGS] Time: 00.00:00:04 [] | Method: NAME | Ignore Words: 0 | Ignore Paths: 13=== ===[GENERAL] Current: 40/250 (16.00%) | Status: SCAN=== ===[ITEMS] Total: ✅ 79 | Misspell: ❌ 0 | Skip: 0 | Error: 0=== ===[WORDS] Total: 114 | Misspell: 0=== ===[NAME] backup_24122020.txt=== ===[PATH] C:\Or\Web\sender\sender\misc\backup=== ===[SCAN PATH] C:\Or\Web\sender\sender=== Terminate batch job (Y/N)? y
- Or Assayag - Initial work - orassayag
- Or Assayag orassayag@gmail.com
- GitHub: https://github.com/orassayag
- StackOverFlow: https://stackoverflow.com/users/4442606/or-assayag?tab=profile
- LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/orassayag