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This solution shows how you can use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) cloud native services to build a serverless data syncing solution. There are various approaches to build a data sync middle tier using OCI. This one uses Autonomous JSON DB(AJD), API Gateway, Functions, Vault, OCI Registry.


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Data Synchronization using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure(OCI) Cloud Native Services and Autonomous JSON DB Pattern


There are many instances where there is a need for syncing data from source application/s to target application/s. A sample scenario is a custom mobile app/ web application developed to perform transactions on SaaS data. In this case, the mobile/web application fetches data from SaaS. User will perform transactions on this data and those transactions should be pushed to SaaS. Here source application is the custom mobile/web application and target application is SaaS. Another case could be the integration of external systems with SaaS, with a need to continuously send data from those external systems to SaaS. Regardless of what the source or target application is, it is ideal to have a middle tier using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) native services that handles the data flow due to a number of reasons —

  1. Reduced load on the source application in terms of data sync operations, retrials and error handling.
  2. Ability to persist data at middle tier and perform retrials on this data in case of failure.
  3. Ability to handle data sync from multiple source & target applications from a single middle tier.
  4. Ability to transform or filter messages at the middle tier before sending to target application.
  5. Easy monitoring/reporting of the data flow.
  6. Ability to fire notifications in case of failures.
  7. Ability to have a consolidated view of the data sync activities and error cases.
  8. Ability to enable data syncing in a publish-subscribe asynchronous model.
  9. Allow source application to continue with data syncing operation even if target application is down, say for maintenance.
  10. Ability to use centralized metrics and logging features.
  11. Ability to scale the middle tier based on the data load and processing requirements.

This solution shows how you can Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) cloud native services to build a serverless data syncing solution. There are various approaches to build a data sync middle tier using OCI. This one uses Autonomous JSON DB(AJD), API Gateway, Functions, Vault, OCI Registry.

Choosing OCI Cloud Native Services as middle tier has the following benefits,

  1. They are based on open source and standards.
  2. They have built-in management capabilities. So development teams can focus on building competitive features and spend less time installing, patching, and maintaining infrastructure.
  3. Availability of good pricing models.
  4. They are highly secure, scalable, durable and reliable.

Services / libraries used in this sample

Autonomous JSON DB

Oracle Autonomous JSON Database is a cloud document database service that makes it simple to develop JSON-centric applications. Autonomous Database comes with several built-in features like Oracle Apex, Database Actions- View data using SQL, JSON, REST, DataModelers, Administration Tools etc.

The AJD used in this sample is named as jsonDB.


This sample uses SODA APIs to access Autonomous JSON databse. SODA abstractions hide the complexities of SQL and client programming using

  1. Collection
  2. Document


A SODA collection is analogous to an Oracle Database table or view. A document collection contains documents. Collections are persisted in an Oracle Database schema . A database schema is referred to as a SODA database.

In addition to its content, a document has other document components, including a unique identifier, called its key, a version, a media type (type of content), and the date and time that it was created and last modified.

The key is typically assigned by SODA when a document is created. The other components are generated and maintained by SODA.


A SODA document is analogous to, a row of a database table or view. The row has one column for each document component: key, content, version, and so on.

SODA provides CRUD operations on documents. JSON documents can additionally be queried, using query-by-example (QBE) patterns, also known as filter specifications. A filter specification is itself a JSON object.

In this sample, a single collection is used, DataSyncCollection. This collection contains the json payload posted by the source application.


Functions are under an Application, DataSyncWithJSONDB . It has the following configuration variables.

Application configuration variables

AJD_SERVICE_NAME is the database service name. AJD_SCHEMA_NAME is the database schema/user to connect to.

In addition to these, configuration contains OCIDs of various services.

2 Functions are used in this pattern. They are python Functions and uses SODA for Python. Both Functions are exposed using API Gateway.

store-data → This Function creates a collection called DataSyncCollection in AJD, jsonDB if collection is not existing and then populate the collection with the data posted by the source application. Each call to this Function adds a new record in the DataSyncCollection.

process-data → This Function is used to do the processing of JSON payload as well as retrial of failed payloads in the DataSyncCollection .

When it is used for initial processing, it uses the SODA QBE filters and look for JSON documents which are not processed. When it is used for retrials , it uses SODA QBE filters and look for JSON documents which are of failed status.

API Gateway

There is one API Gateway used, SyncDataGateway. There are 3 routes defined in API Gateway deployment,SyncUsingJSONDB. One is to map the Function store-data to the route /store, 2nd is to map the process-data Function to the route /process and 3rd is to map the process-data Function to the route /process/retry


A vault called, DataSyncVault is used to store the authorization header tokens sent by the Source Application as secrets. The database schema password to connect to AJD, also is added in the same vault.




Process Flow

Step 1. Source application posts data to the API Gateway's /store route.  CURL command sample is given below.

curl --location --request POST 'https://pfk2e…  -H @header_file  --data-raw ' {










         "BusinessUnitName":"Vision Operations",

         "BuyingPartyName":"Computer Service and Rentals",

         "TransactionType":"Standard Orders",


         "RequestedFulfillmentOrganizationName":"Vision Operations",

         "PaymentTerms":"30 Net",

         "TransactionalCurrencyName":"US Dollar",

         "RequestingBusinessUnitName":"Vision Operations",











The payload is self-contained i.e. it contains the target application API in targetRestApi node, target application’s Rest API operation in targetRestApiOperation key and a target application’s Rest API payload in targetRestApiPayload node. Headers for target REST API call should be sent in targetRestApiHeaders node.

In most cases the target application API will need a security token. Usually this token is passed in the authorization header of the POST call to API Gateway. This token needs to be securely stored for target application API processing later by process-data Function. For this purpose, the json payload contains a key called vaultSecretName which is an id that should be unique to messages that has the same auth token. The unique id will be used as a secret name in the Vault and the secret content will be the auth token passed in the authorization header. When the auth token in the authorization header changes, a new ubique value should be passed in the vaultSecretName for those messages.

Step 2. store-data inserts the JSON payload into datasync_collection. It adds 2 new keys to json payload. One is called , status with value as _not_processed. The second one is createdDate with value as current date& time. These keys will be used by process-data Function to filter and sort the records. It also reads the vaultSecretName and creates a secret in Vault with content as the authorization header token and secret name as the value of the key vaultSecretName.

Step 3. process-data Function which is exposed in API Gateway using the route with path /process, can be invoked sequentially to process the records. The API endpoint will be https://[host-name]/jsondb/process.

curl --location --request POST '' 

-H @header_file

--data-raw '{

"no_of_records_to_process": 2


The sequential invocation of the REST api should be automated. This Function reads through the DB and looks for JSON documents that are of status as not_processed, ordered by the createdDate. The number of records to process by a single call of the Function is defined in the no_of_records_to_process value in the payload.

It then calls the target application's REST endpoint by reading the value of the key targetRESTApi and using the method in targetRestApiOperation. If the call is successful, the JSON document in the collection is updated with status key value as success and the status_code as the REST response code of the target application API.

If the call is failed, the JSON document in the collection is updated with status key value as failed and the status_code as the REST response code of the target application API. Function also adds a failure_reason key with the reason for the target application call failure.

The response from the Function call will look like below. It gives the count of the total processed records, failed and successful records. It has a has_next key that indicates whether there are further records in the database, with status as not_processed. This helps in determining whether further call is required to the Function.


Step 4.  

Lastly there is an option to retry the failed messages using an API Gateway API, that exposes the process-data Function, in the route /process/retry

The sample REST API call and payload looks like this.


curl  --location --request POST '' \
-H @header_file
--data-raw '{

"no_of_records_to_process": 2,

"retry_codes": "501",

"retry_limit": 3


header_file, conatins the http headers

In the retry payload, specify the no_of_records_to_process, which tells the number of records to process by a single call of the Function. retry_codes is where you can specify the error response codes that should be retried. It also contains an option to set the number of times retry should happen using retry_limit.

This Function queries the database for JSON documents with status as failed and with status_code matching the retry_codes. If the processing of record has already been tried to a number equal to retry_limit, then those records are skkiped. This api call, sends a response as below


In case of retry, the response informs, the number of JSON documents skipped from processing since retrial count has reached the limit for those documents. This is indicated by the value in skipped_count .



  1. Make sure you've setup your API signing key, installed the Fn CLI, completed the CLI configuration steps and have setup the OCI Registry you want to use.

  2. You have the Target application's REST API, Auth token and Json Payload for loading data to it.

Creating the cloud artefacts in OCI

  1. Provision an autonomous JSON database and create a user in DB. Assign right privileges to the user and check if you are able to connect to the user.

  2. Deploy Functions store-data and process-data.

  3. Add the following configuration variables in the Function Application.

AJD_SERVICE_NAME is the database service name. AJD_SCHEMA_NAME is the database schema/user to connect to.

Application configuration variables

  1. Create an API Gateway deployment with PATH PREFIX as jsondb. Create 3 routes in this deployment







  1. Add IAM policies related to usage of Functions and API Gateway.

  2. To retrieve the wallet from Autonomous Database directly during the execution of the function, note the OCID of the Autonomous Database and create an IAM policy that allows the dynamic group to use the autonomous Database with the specific permission 'AUTONOMOUS_DATABASE_CONTENT_READ'.

Allow dynamic-group <dynamic-group-name> to use autonomous-databases in compartment <compartment-name> where request.permission='AUTONOMOUS_DATABASE_CONTENT_READ'

Running the sample

  1. Make sure that a database user is created in the AJD and you are able to connect to the database user.

  2. Create a new secret in Vault DataSync_Vault with name as db_pwd. Enter your databse user password as the secret content.

  3. Get the Endpoint of the API Gateway deployment SyncUsingJSONDB. Append the endpoint with the path /store. The API will look like this, https://[host-name]/jsondb/store

  4. Make the REST call to the above endpoint. The curl command will look this,

    curl  --location --request POST '' 
    -H @header_file
    --data-raw '{
    		"targetRestApi": "https://g4kz1wyoy/latest/orders",
    		"targetRestApiOperation": "POST",
    		"targetRestApiPayload": {
    			"orderid": "20jan1",
    			"PO": "19jan"
    		"targetRestApiHeaders": {
    			"Content-Type": "application/json"

Change the values based on your Target application's REST api. Pass the authorization header to connect to target application's REST end point.

This API call will insert a record in the collection called datasync_collection in AJD. The JSON payload will be stored in the JSON_DOCUMENT column in the table, DataSyncCollection. Check the table to verify if the record is successfully inserted. You can use the Database Actions menu in AJD to inspect the databse contents. There are various options available once the Database Actions is launched, like SQL, JSON etc.

The inserted JSON document in the table , will have 2 additional keys called , status with value as not_processed and createdDate with value as time of data insertion.

  1. Next, Run the process api,https://[host-name]/jsondb/process. The curl command will look this,

     curl --location --request POST '' 
     -H @header_file
     --data-raw '{
     	"no_of_records_to_process": 2

Check the response, to see if the total_processed_records is 1 and success_count is 1. If success_count is 1, check the Target APplication and verify if the REST api operation is successful. If the success_count is 0, and failed_count is 1, Check the database and see the failure_reason key in the JSON document.

  1. To validate if the retry is working, you can pass incorrect values in the store api payload and then invoke, the retry api.

The curl command will look like below.

	curl --location --request POST '' 
	-H @header_file
	--data-raw '{
		"no_of_records_to_process": 2,

Replace the retry_codes with status_code of the failed records. You can also change no_of_records_to_process to a higher or lower value, depending on the Function time out.retry_limit can also be changed to a different no. based on your requirement.

Enhancing the sample

Please note that the sample given is only to demonstrate a pattern and mostly you will need to enhance it to fit into your needs.

While enhancing the sample do consider the following.

  • You can use Oracle Apex to build an adminstration tool to view the data and take corrective actions in case of data failure.

• You will need a process to delete the Vault secrets once they are no longer needed. One option is to write a Function, that can do the clean-up task periodically.

• retry and process call payload has the key no_of_records_to_process to set the no of JSON documents to process in a single call. Do change this to a smaller number if processing of each document takes time and there is a possibility of Function to time out.

• retry and process call response has_next key has a value either true or false. It indicates if there are further records available for processing. To process large number of messages together,invoke retry sequentially after checking if has_next key value of the previous call.

• The sample function handles PUT, POST and DELETE operations. To add or remove operations, change the process-data Function code. Also change the targetRestApiOperation section of the payload.

• The source application is responsible for sending unique value in the vaultsecretname for messages having same auth token.

• It is assumed that the authentication token to invoke the target application’s REST api is passed in the “Authorization” Header. There is a possibility that authorization token stored in Vault expires while retrying the message. This scenario is not considered in the sample.


  • If things dont work, here are some troubleshooting tips for Oracle Cloud Functions you can try.

  • The Oracle Cloud Functions are configured to emit logging info using standard system logging, this can be useful when debugging the functions.

  • Make sure you have defined all the required IAM policies.


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We welcome all contributions to this sample and have a contribution guide for you to follow if you'd like to contribute.


Developers choosing to distribute a binary implementation of this project are responsible for obtaining and providing all required licenses and copyright notices for the third-party code used in order to ensure compliance with their respective open source licenses.


If you need help with this sample, please log an issue within this repository and the code owners will help out where we can.


Copyright (c) 2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at


This solution shows how you can use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) cloud native services to build a serverless data syncing solution. There are various approaches to build a data sync middle tier using OCI. This one uses Autonomous JSON DB(AJD), API Gateway, Functions, Vault, OCI Registry.



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