Run intensive CodSpeed benchmarks, usually excluded.
Don't include this PR in the changelog
This issue should be completed in more than a day
This issue should be completed in a couple of hours
This issue should be completed in a less than a day
Issue related to the backend (API Server, Git Agent)
Issue related to the CI pipeline
Issue related to the frontend (React)
Issue related to some schemas
Issue related to the Synchronization engine
Issue related to design or UX
This issue must be fixed/implemented ASAP, it's a blocker for a release
This issue stalls work on the project or its dependents, it's a blocker for a release
Not blocking but should be fixed soon
Low priority and doesn't need to be rushed
This issue is part of the backlog
The issue is currently blocked and cannot be resolved.
The redaction of the issue is still a work in progress
This issue needs more information
This issue is ready and needs to be tested.
This issue needs to be triaged
Unable to reproduce this issue.
This issue is planned to be worked on in an upcoming release.
This issue is referenced in our internal tooling
Issue has been closed and won't be fix/implemented.
Topic for brainstorming, discussions
Something isn't working as expected
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists