As the name implies this is a tool for displaying and replaying collected from our various rocket platforms.
- Download and install the latest version of python. It can be found here.
- Open your terminal of choice (Command Prompt, Powershell etc.) and run:
pip install asyncio websockets pyserial aiohttp aiohttp-jinja2 pyinstaller psutil pypng pyqrcode
- Get a copy of the project ethier using git tool or download directly of the repo website.
- If you've download the zip file extract it and open the terminal in the extracted folder directory.
- In the "src/dist" folder will contain a portable executable file, this file can run on any windows machine that is 10 or later.
- If you've installed pip and python. Run install bat script file located in the src folder, which will finish the rest of the installation.
- If previous step is sucessful, you can now use the command
in command prompt which will start the program.
Image above describes how the program will execute each time.
The data must be structured as follows
Time (us), Altitude (m), Velocity (m/s), Acceleration (m/s²), Air temperature (°C), Air pressure (mbar)
This is both for the .csv, where each column is one of the different data types. The serial stream needs to be a string of the above data types, seperated by a comma ","
Ensure that you have an active serial connection with data that is in the correct format.
Run the program installed by the executable and follow the prompts.
In the browser of your choice open
Note. The program does not have to be running on your machine to the telemetry. Ensure that you are on the same networks as a computer running the program and navigate to
- Run the program installed by the executable with the file path of the flight to be replayed i.e.
telemetry dist/replay.csv
. - In the browser of your choice open
- Ensure git is installed. It can be found here
- Work through the installation. i.e. python installation and pip packages
- Clone the project:
git clone
- Navigate to the
directory of the repository you just cloned ..\laughing-octo-system\src\
- Run the following command:
pyinstaller --onefile --icon="icon.ico" --add-data="client/;client" .\
- The dist directory will now contain a runnable executable
Enables easier access to the program as you can run the program as a command in command prompt. E.g telerocket as a command, this makes accessible anywhere in command prompt.
- Generate an exe file using the build instructions in this document.
- TODO add more instruction to get and set env vars.
- Add the path of the exe into windows PATH enviroment variables. If you need it applied to all users of the system, admin privellages is required.
- Restart command prompt.
- Run telerocket and the program should start.
For more information refer here, use your nurocket dist folder as the folder instead of python folder in this tutorial.
The azure keys are injected through environment variables, and thus the environment variables need to be set for the injection
Note: the order of the API keys does not matter, just ensure that both keys are not the same key. The setup only has to be completed once. If you wish to set up the keys for multiple users, you can add the keys to the System variables instead, but it may require Administrator privileges. The azure keys are currently not required, but the implementation for injecting the keys is there for future iterations of the software. 1. Press the windows button, then search for "Environment Variables" 2. Click on it, and in the popup click "Environment Variables" which should be in the bottom right 3. Once open, in the top section named "User vairables for __", click on "New" 4. There should be a dialog box with "Variable name", enter "NU_ROCKET_AZUREKEY_1" and on the second line add the API key 5. Once both are entered click "Ok" 6. Repeat step 3-4, but use a new "Variable Name" called "NU_ROCKET_AZUREKEY_2" and on the second line, add the other API key 7. Once both fields are completed, click "Ok" 8. The environment variables are now set up, when the program is executed it will read the API keys from the system
Pytyhon is used to run and execute the code used in this software, python does not need to be installed for running the .exe file specifically, but it is required to build it. We have used and tested with Python 3.8.6 and Python 3.9.1 (any newer version should not have issues). The download link for Python 3.8.6 can be found here
Once python is installed, you need to install pip to install the packages that have been used in this project.
Installing pip can be completed by typing py install pip
Further troubleshooting can be found here