✓ Setup Gradle Project
✓ Setup pre-commit framework
✓ Adding .sdkmanrc
✓ Setup spotless
✓ Setup docker-compose plugin
✓ Setup Postgres Database
✓ Setup application.yaml
✓ Setup Liquibase Migration
✓ Setup Docker-compose
✓ Setup jOOQ Code Generation
✓ Setup Data Generation for old using Datafaker
✓ Setup Migration framework (using existing work)
✓ Create Migration Script
✓ Update StatementCollector to record script names and print a "migration script" at the end
✓ Write Blog Post showcasing
✓ Index detection / FK detection and automatic inclusion in migration scripts
✓ Column renames and compile time detection
✓ Conclusion
❏ Write README
❏ Upload code to github
❏ Upload blog post to WP