- arXiv 2024, 03, HumanoidBench: Simulated Humanoid Benchmark for Whole-Body Locomotion and Manipulation Paper Website.
$15$ whole-body manipulation and$12$ locomotion tasks. This repo contains the code for environments and training.
- AgiBot World Website. 1 million+ trajectories from 100 robots.
- LeRobotDataset Website. A bunch of models, datasets, and tools for real-world robotics in PyTorch.
- 1xgpt Website.
- OXE Paper.
- Cosmos Website. Autoregressive Video2World/Text2World foundation models.
- Menagerie Website MuJoCo physics engines. System identification toolbox has not been released.(up to 2025.1)
- MuJoCo Playground Website Paper Training environments in mjx. Humanoid Locomotion, Quadruped Locomotion and Manipulation (most robot arms and hand) tasks are included.
- Daydreamer: World models for physical robot learning
- CoRL 2023 (Oral), Finetuning Offline World Models in the Real World Website Paper Offline pretraining and online finetuning of world models. Robot arm manipulation tasks.
- arxiv 2025, 01, Robotic World Model: A Neural Network Simulator for Robust Policy Optimization in Robotics Paper. MBPO sim2real using world models. Quadruped locomotion tasks.
- RSS 2023, Structured World Models from Human Videos. Paper. Robot arm manipulation tasks.
- CoRL 2022 (Oral), Deep Whole-Body Control: Learning a Unified Policy for Manipulation and Locomotion. Paper.
- CoRL 2022 (Oral), Legged Locomotion in Challenging Terrains using Egocentric Vision. Paper.
- CVPR 2023, Affordances from Human Videos as a Versatile Representation for Robotics. Paper.
- ICML 2023 (Oral), Efficient RL via Disentangled Environment and Agent Representations. Website.
- CoRL 2022, VideoDex: Learning Dexterity from Internet Videos. Website.
- CVPR 2022, Coupling Vision and Proprioception for Navigation of Legged Robots. Paper.
- CoRL 2024, Continuously Improving Mobile Manipulation with Autonomous Real-World RL. Paper. Mobile Manipulation.
- Leo Fan's List. Website.
- arxiv 2024, 05, Hierarchical World Models as Visual Whole-Body Humanoid Controllers. Website.
- arxiv 2024, 07, Diffusion Forcing: Next-token Prediction Meets Full-Sequence Diffusion. Website.