To get started make sure you have yarn, docker, and docker-compose installed. Next try running these commands in the root directory:
$> docker compose build
$> docker compose up
You may run into migration issues at first. To fix that go into the back-end terminal with:
$> docker compose exec api /bin/bash
If you are having trouble with the above command, run the following command to get into the backend terminal:
$> docker compose run api /bin/bash
Then in that terminal run:
$> bin/rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development
and try running the docker compose commands again to see if that fixes it.
When run correctly the front-end may be at http://localhost:4000/.
You need to setup your local environment by creating a .env.local file in the backend directory and add the following variables:
If you want your Git config and SSH keys available inside running docker containers,
copy the docker compose.override.yml.example
file to docker compose.override.yml
modify its contents as necessary for your configuration.
$> docker compose build
$> docker compose up
Which will start hosting the Rails api app at A PetStore app showing the Rails app API runs at The front-end will be at
Get into a backend terminal with
$> docker compose exec api /bin/bash
Then you can run rake db:migrate
, rspec
, whatever. Or you can run those directly from the host with
$> docker compose exec api rake db:migrate
To interact with the database, you would first need to go the backend terminal with the command:
$> docker compose exec api /bin/bash
$> docker compose run api /bin/bash
Then you can run the following commands to bring up the database terminal:
rails c
Run the following command to execute the rspec tests:
docker compose exec api bundle exec rspec
Run the following command in the backend terminal to execute the ruby lint tests:
bundle exec rubocop
Kinetic is currently hosted on Heroku using the Docker integration. To deploy the application you need to add a git remote per the heroku instructions
Set up remotes (after authenticating with heroku) as such:
$> heroku git:remote -a kinetic-web -r staging
$> heroku git:remote -a kinetic-web-dev -r dev
$> heroku git:remote -a kinetic-web-prod -r prod
To build and deploy to heroku from the terminal, assuming the remotes were named as above:
$> git push dev main
$> git push staging main
$> git push prod main
# To push a development branch to heroku
$> git push <remote> feature-branch:main
Connecting to a remote heroku instance, eg. for staging:
heroku run 'bundle exec rails c' -a kinetic-web
Access the cms. Grab the updated homepage HTML
and paste it into the CMS for openstax/kinetic homepage
The Kinetic API is documented in the code using OpenApi. OpenApi JSON can be accessed at /api/v1/openapi
Within the baseline, we use OpenApi-generated Ruby code to serve as bindings for request and response data. Calling
rake openstax_openapi:generate_model_bindings[X]
will create version X request and response model bindings in app/bindings/api/vX
See the documentation at for more information.
A rake script is provided to generate client libraries. Call
rake openstax_openapi:generate_client[X,lang]
to generate the major version X client for the given language, e.g.
rake openstax_openapi:generate_client[0,ruby]
will generate the Ruby client for the latest version 0 API. This
will generate code in the baseline, so if you don't want it committed move it elsewhere.
A few testing accounts may be created by running rake demo-users
. This will create:
In the development environment, there are some extra endpoints available to faking your logged-in user. Your logged-in user is set via a special development-environment-only cookie. Here are the APIs:
GET /development/users
Gets you a hash of research and admin users so you can know who you want to log in as, e.g.
'researchers': [
{ 'some-uuid': { name: 'Captain Ron' } }
'admins': [
PUT /development/users/:user_id/log_in
Logs in as the user UUID provided in the path.
PUT /development/users/ensure_users_exist
Call this to make sure an admin and researcher user exists. After calling this you can call the /development/users
endpoint to get the admin's UUID.
GET /development/users/whoami
Call this to see who you are logged in as.
Be logged in as an admin, and go to /admin
You may have trouble in setting up the environment if you are using a windows machine. In order for it work on a windows machine, you need to changed the line endings of the bin files from CRLF to LF.