diff --git a/scenarios/reproducers/dt-osasinfra.yml b/scenarios/reproducers/dt-osasinfra.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..05b251e6e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scenarios/reproducers/dt-osasinfra.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+cifmw_architecture_scenario: osasinfra
+cifmw_arch_automation_file: osasinfra.yaml
+# Automation section. Most of those parameters will be passed to the
+# controller-0 as-is and be consumed by the `deploy-va.sh` script.
+# Please note, all paths are on the controller-0, meaning managed by the
+# Framework. Please do not edit them!
+_arch_repo: "/home/zuul/src/github.com/openstack-k8s-operators/architecture"
+cifmw_ceph_client_vars: /tmp/ceph_client.yml
+cifmw_ceph_client_values_post_ceph_path_src: >-
+ {{ _arch_repo }}/examples/dt/osasinfra/values.yaml
+cifmw_ceph_client_values_post_ceph_path_dst: >-
+ {{ cifmw_ceph_client_values_post_ceph_path_src }}
+cifmw_ceph_client_service_values_post_ceph_path_src: >-
+ {{ _arch_repo }}/examples/dt/osasinfra/service-values.yaml
+cifmw_ceph_client_service_values_post_ceph_path_dst: >-
+ {{ cifmw_ceph_client_service_values_post_ceph_path_src }}
+# workaround https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OSPRH-6675
+cifmw_ceph_spec_public_network: "{{ cifmw_networking_definition.networks.ctlplane.network }}"
+# HERE if you want to overload kustomization, you can uncomment this parameter
+# and push the data structure you want to apply.
+# cifmw_architecture_user_kustomize:
+# stage_0:
+# 'network-values':
+# data:
+# starwars: Obiwan
+# HERE, if you want to stop the deployment loop at any stage, you can uncomment
+# the following parameter and update the value to match the stage you want to
+# reach. Known stages are:
+# pre_kustomize_stage_INDEX
+# pre_apply_stage_INDEX
+# post_apply_stage_INDEX
+# cifmw_deploy_architecture_stopper:
+cifmw_allow_vms_to_reach_osp_api: true
+ networks:
+ tenant:
+ mtu: 1500
+# HCI requires bigger size to hold OCP on OSP disks
+cifmw_block_device_size: 100G
+cifmw_libvirt_manager_compute_disksize: 200
+cifmw_libvirt_manager_compute_memory: 50
+cifmw_libvirt_manager_compute_cpus: 8
+ networks:
+ osp_trunk: |
+ osp_trunk
+ ocpbm: |
+ ocpbm
+ ocppr: |
+ ocppr
+ vms:
+ ocp:
+ amount: 3
+ admin_user: core
+ image_local_dir: "{{ cifmw_basedir }}/images/"
+ disk_file_name: "ocp_master"
+ disksize: "100"
+ cpus: 16
+ memory: 32
+ root_part_id: 4
+ uefi: true
+ nets:
+ - ocppr
+ - ocpbm
+ - osp_trunk
+ compute:
+ uefi: "{{ cifmw_use_uefi }}"
+ root_part_id: "{{ cifmw_root_partition_id }}"
+ amount: "{{ [cifmw_libvirt_manager_compute_amount|int, 3] | max }}"
+ image_url: "{{ cifmw_discovered_image_url }}"
+ sha256_image_name: "{{ cifmw_discovered_hash }}"
+ image_local_dir: "{{ cifmw_basedir }}/images/"
+ disk_file_name: "base-os.qcow2"
+ disksize: "{{ [cifmw_libvirt_manager_compute_disksize|int, 50] | max }}"
+ memory: "{{ [cifmw_libvirt_manager_compute_memory|int, 8] | max }}"
+ cpus: "{{ [cifmw_libvirt_manager_compute_cpus|int, 4] | max }}"
+ nets:
+ - ocpbm
+ - osp_trunk
+ controller:
+ uefi: "{{ cifmw_use_uefi }}"
+ root_part_id: "{{ cifmw_root_partition_id }}"
+ image_url: "{{ cifmw_discovered_image_url }}"
+ sha256_image_name: "{{ cifmw_discovered_hash }}"
+ image_local_dir: "{{ cifmw_basedir }}/images/"
+ disk_file_name: "base-os.qcow2"
+ disksize: 50
+ memory: 8
+ cpus: 4
+ nets:
+ - ocpbm
+ - osp_trunk
+## devscript support for OCP deploy
+ fips_mode: "{{ cifmw_fips_enabled | default(false) | bool }}"
+# Note: with that extra_network_names "osp_trunk", we instruct
+# devscripts role to create a new network, and associate it to
+# the OCP nodes. This one is a "private network", and will hold
+# the VLANs used for network isolation.
+# Please create a custom env file to provide:
+# cifmw_devscripts_ci_token:
+# cifmw_devscripts_pull_secret:
+# Test Ceph file and object storage (block is enabled by default)
+ rgw_enabled: true
+ dashboard_enabled: false
+ cephfs_enabled: true
+ ceph_nfs_enabled: true
diff --git a/scenarios/reproducers/shift-on-stack-overrides.yml b/scenarios/reproducers/shift-on-stack-overrides.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1123814a1c..0000000000
--- a/scenarios/reproducers/shift-on-stack-overrides.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-cifmw_libvirt_manager_compute_disksize: 200
-cifmw_libvirt_manager_compute_memory: 50
-cifmw_libvirt_manager_compute_cpus: 8
-cifmw_allow_vms_to_reach_osp_api: true
-# HCI requires bigger size to hold OCP on OSP disks
-cifmw_block_device_size: 100G
- networks:
- tenant:
- mtu: 1500