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Console Commands

Please do not add commands here! Commands list is autogenerated from code.

Console Command Examples

Command Description
addRepeatingEvent 15 -1 SendGet This will send a Tasmota HTTP Toggle command every 15 seconds to given device
addEventHandler OnClick 8 SendGet This will send a Tasmota HTTP Toggle command to given device when a button on pin 8 is clicked (pin 8, NOT channel 8)
addChangeHandler Channel1 != 0 SendGet This will set a Tasmota HTTP Power0 ON command when a channel 1 value become non-zero
addChangeHandler Channel1 == 0 SendGet This will set a Tasmota HTTP Power0 OFF command when a channel 1 value become zero
addChangeHandler Channel1 == 1 addRepeatingEvent 60 1 setChannel 1 0 This will create a new repeating events with 1 repeat count and 60 seconds delay everytime Channel1 becomes 1. Basically, it will automatically turn off the light 60 seconds after you turn it on. TODO: clear previous event instance?
startdriver SSDP This will start the SSDP driver - your T or N device will appear in Windows Networking as an 'Other Device'

Console Command argument expansion

Every console command that takes an integer argument supports following constant expansion:

  • $CH[CHANNEL_NUMBER] - so, $CH0 is a channel 0 value, etc, so SetChannel 1 $CH2 will get current value of Channel2 and set it to Channel 1