OpenT8 is a standardized JSON format for mapping complex timetable data.
The main features are:
- Open Source
- JSON documents can be validated against the OpenT8 Document Schema.
- Support of events of any kind (e.g. lessons, activities, exams, meetings etc.).
- Support of attendees of any kind (e.g. teachers, students, examiners, etc.).
- Support of timetable changes (substitutions, time shifts, cancellations, etc.)
- Support of supervisions
- Support of school and public holidays
- Support of time frames (When does the first lesson start? When is lunch break? etc.)
- Support of color definitions
- Support of code lists based on OpenCodeList
- Flexible definition of time scheduling through temporal expressions
- Extensions possible through user-defined properties
The documentation website is part of this repository. We have implemented it using MkDocs and Material for MkDocs. It is published under
Yes, that would be much appreciated. OpenT8 is currently a draft. We are open for any feedback! Use the Issue Tracker for asking and/or submitting a Pull Request.