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OpenPLZ API Documentation

This is the documentation for the OpenPLZ API project. The documentation is Open Source and we have implemented it using MkDocs and Material for MkDocs.

Install MkDocs for Windows

  1. Install Python. Go to the Python downloads page and download the latest version for Windows.

  2. Launch the installer and follow the on-screen instructions.

  3. Run the command prompt as Administrator.

  4. Enter the command python --version and pip --version to check the Python installation. In both cases a version number should appear as an output in the command prompt.

  5. Enter the command pip install mkdocs mkdocs-material mkdocs-minify-plugin to install the MkDocs Python package, the Material for MkDocs theme and the MkDocs plugin Minify.

  6. Final test: Enter the command mkdocs --version. A version nummer in the command prompt will let you know if everything has been installed correctly.

Clone Repository

This repository is a Git repository. To clone the repository to a local commputer you will need a Git client. Either install Git for Windows and use the command prompt or install one of the many GUIs. We recommend GitHub Desktop or SourceTree.

  1. Create a local directory for the documentation e.g. c:\openplzapi.

  2. Open the command prompt and change to directory c:\openplzapi.

  3. Enter the command git clone to clone the repository.

Download Repository as Zip Archive

If you don't want to use Git you can even download the repository as a Zip Archive:

  1. Open the URL in your web browser

  2. Click on the Clone or download button then select Download ZIP.

  3. Extract the Zip Archive to a local folder, e.g. c:\openplzapi.

Using MkDocs

You have installed Python and MkDocs, cloned the repository or downloaded it as a Zip Archive. Now you can generate the documentation locally on your computer.

  1. Start the command prompt and change to the directory c:\openplzapi\de for German documentation or c:\openplzapi\en for the English documentation.

  2. Enter the command mkdocs build. The documentation will be regenerated.

  3. To display the result, enter the command mkdocs serve and open the URL in your Web browser.

The table of contents can be found in the mkdocs.yml file and the individual chapters are in the docs subdirectory.

Can I help?

Yes, that would be much appreciated. The best way to help is to post a response via the Issue Tracker and/or submit corrections via a Pull Request.