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GSoC application

Dr. John Woods edited this page Feb 5, 2020 · 5 revisions

Personal details

  1. Name:
  2. Preferred name (What you prefer to be called by):
  3. Preferred pronouns:
  4. Email:
  5. Github username:
  6. Physical location (approximate):

Experience and education

  1. Programming experience. Please describe your programming experience with Python, C, C++, and other languages.
  2. Educational background. a. School b. Degree plan (majors/minors) c. Any past degrees d. Research area and publications/abstracts/posters, if applicable

Open source contributions

  1. Pull requests. Our organization requires that applicants show a history of open source contributions. We strongly recommend that you submit a pull request (that is ultimately accepted) to one of our projects, but you may also provide links to recent contributions you've made to other open source software. Code contributions are mandatory; however, documentation contributions may also be beneficial to your application.
  2. Past GSoC participation. Have you done GSoC before? If so, how can we reach your mentor(s)? If you don't feel like a project went particularly well, what did you learn from the experience?
  3. Why are you interested in contributing to Open Lunar?


Please make sure you've read GSoC's code of conduct and roles and responsibilities.

Note that we expect students to put in a a minimum of thirty hours every week.

You should generally be familiar with the other requirements Google places on students for Google Summer of Code.

  1. What other commitments do you have this summer aside from GSoC? What obstacles do you foresee this summer as far as contributing the full thirty hours per week during GSoC?
  2. How many classes are you taking this summer?
  3. Do you have any other employment this summer?
  4. Are you planning any vacations this summer?

Miscellaneous / about you

  1. What are your hobbies? Tell us a little about yourself that isn't reflected in your application.
  2. Do you have anything else to add that you think we should have asked?
  3. One aim of our organization is to increase diversity in open source science software development. How do you suggest we help members of underrepresented groups become involved in our project?

Project proposal

Propose a project you would like to work on. This portion of the application is the most in-depth, and is the key metric by which we accept or reject students. We recommend that you discuss your project with the relevant mentors in our Google Group before submitting a proposal. Citations are expected, and you should expect to write several pages and include diagrams.

Project timeline

Please also provide a specific timeline for completing your proposed project. The timeline should include specific benchmarks for evaluating your own process. It should start at the beginning of the community bonding period and end at pencils down.