Kibana installation and all micro-services (spring-boot)
There are multiple folders possible (dev, test... ) in order to split environment . You can see the differences between localhost and an environment "not dev" #Getting started install docker on your machine . clone the project
- open
- change all yourip and yourdomain by your ip address or into
- setup as well the
for kibana usage - setup kafka credential into
you can change the port for kafka or kibana
cd dev
docker-compose up -d
check kibana after a few minutes (username and pwd are in .env) :
see below how to configure
- Kibana
- Logstash
- Beat
- Elasticsearch
- create an index
- Fill in "logstash-*" and click Next step
- Choose @timestamp and create index pattern
- Go to "Discover" and you can see your logs
- ulegalize-lawfirm needs more environments:
- "app.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://mysqlip:mysqlport/db"
- "app.datasource.username=mysql-user"
- "app.datasource.password=mysql-pwd"
- "app.stripe.key=sk_live_...."
- "app.slack.sensitive.webhook="
- "app.slack.newArrival.webhook="
- "app.stripe.webhookSecret=whsec_..."
- "app.v1.slack.webhook="
- "app.cors.origin=https://yourdomain:7893,https://yourdomain"
if you want to :
delete containers
docker-compose down
check containers
docker-compose ps
check stats (memory, cpu...)
docker stats
you can delete images before
docker rmi $(docker images | grep 'finauxa/ulegalize')
docker stop debian_kafka_1
docker rm debian_kafka_1
docker stop debian_zookeeper_1
docker rm debian_zookeeper_1
- Writing tests
- Code review
- Other guidelines